We are pleased to welcome Leah Singer - a thought leader and author of the report "Creating Value Through Procurement" commissioned by Infrastructure New Zealand.
This webinar caters to contractors involved in the public procurement of major infrastructure projects. If you work in the public sector though, feel free to watch as some of the challenges are shared between both sectors.
Nobody wins from poor procurement.
The entwine report articulates the challenges that form the "negative procurement journey" as well as the "positive procurement" framework.
It's on the learnings from this research that the author Leah will present in this free webinar hosted by Felix CEO Mike Davis. Join us to learn:
Watch the webinar to learn more about how to create value through procurement.
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Vestibulum blandit, tortor vitae bibendum aliquet, sapien velit tempor risus, vitae interdum...
Vestibulum blandit, tortor vitae bibendum aliquet, sapien velit tempor risus, vitae interdum...