The team at Felix has kicked off 2025 with our latest Product Showcase webinar, providing a deep dive into recently released features in our Vendor Management and Sourcing modules, and giving a sneak peek of what developments the team is working on next for Felix.
In case you missed it, the Product Showcase covered:
You can watch the full webinar here, or read the main takeaways in our webinar recap.
Let’s recap the questions that were asked from our audience:
Questions about Internally Managed Profiles
Q: Where can I store vendor compliance documents considering there is no ‘Compliance Documents’ tab for Internally Managed Profiles?
A: Any document can be added to the internally managed vendor profile using Vendor Documents.
Although these documents will not appear in the Compliance Documents list, or show the next expiry, it is still possible to be notified at a set interval that a Vendor Document is expiring if you’ve allowed for an expiry date on the vendor document type.
Felix customers can reach out to their Customer Success Manager directly to discuss this process in more detail and submit product feedback via our portal to request additional functionality (such as adding compliance documents for the Internally Managed Profiles).
Q: Can BPAY and Direct Debit payment details be entered on Internally Managed Profiles?
A: BPAY, EFTPOS, Swift and IBAN are all available as payment detail options for an Internally Managed Profile.
Questions about Post Tender Requests
Q: What’s the different between issuing a Post Tender Request and sending an Addendum requesting updated pricing schedule information?
A: A Post Tender Request allows you to request revised offers from selected tenderers on Closed RFQs – and the same pricing schedule can be issued again and again. This pricing schedule version is only visible to vendors who receive a post tender request.
Addendums are used on Open RFQs to provide vendors new information like updates drawings or pricing schedule versions. Addendums are sent by default to all vendors who are on the RFQ.
Q: Can Post Tender Requests use updated pricing schedule versions?
A: Yes, our pricing schedule feature keeps track of versions and submissions to those versions.
So if you need to update your pricing schedule for use in a “Best and final offer” round, you can and all submissions will be stored against their relevant pricing schedule version.
Q: Can you document your Requests For Information through Felix, in a register and profile response notifications out to all vendors as respondents?
A: Within each RFQ, there is a Communications tab that shows all communications with vendors on an RFQ (including RFI's, Addendums and acknowledgements of Addendums, etc).
One of the communication options within an RFQ is "Notice to All Tenderers", which allows you to broadcast a message to all tenderers on the RFQ. All vendors receive an email notification if they have been sent a communication from an RFQ in Felix.
Q: Can we add Site Visit notifications and invitations?
A: If the site visit is within the context of a tender process, then the Communications tab of the RFQ would be the best solution. The invitation could be communicated to all tenderers or a specific sub-set directly.
Questions about enhancing our platform security
Q: You mentioned Felix is mandating MFA for vendors – are you rolling out MFA for enterprise users?
A: MFA for enterprise users is monitored and controlled by your IT department through Enterprise Single Sign On. We feel this is the best arrangement that your IT department can determine how they want to implement the necessary security controls.
Questions about using Felix for tenders
Q: Can we lock the vendor submission once they have submitted?
A: Yes questionnaires are locked after submission - an RFQ submission can be locked unless you allow vendors could update their prices whilst the RFQ is opened.
Q: When sending out a tender package to multiple emails, will the email addresses remain blind, so others can’t see which companies it was sent to?
A: Yes, vendors do not see who else is on the tender.
If you have any other questions about what we covered in our Product Showcase webinar, or about Felix in general, we would love to hear them. Reach out to us and we will get the right person to respond to you.
On 11 February we hosted our latest instalment of Evolving Felix - a Product Showcase.
Our product showcase webinars are a great opportunity for our users to meet the team behind Felix, hear about what’s new alongside in-platform demonstrations and get an insight into what the team is focusing on next.
Our second Product Showcase was another great success, with a highly engaged audience tuning in to learn more about recent product releases and what’s next for Felix on the roadmap.
In case you missed it, the product showcase webinar covered:
We’ve wrapped up our third Product Showcase, where attendees from Australia, New Zealand, to Hong Kong and Indonesia, joined us to learn more about what we’ve recently released in Felix and what we are planning next for our vendor management and procurement platform.
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