Felix – safeguarding our customers with Eftsure

2 min read
Felix   |   April 2, 2024

Cybercrime is increasing at alarming rates. Banks are unable to match payee names to BSB or account numbers when processing B2B payments, leaving business’s vulnerable to fraud.  

To add an extra layer of protection when collecting vendor bank details during onboarding, many Felix Vendor Management customers are turning to Eftsure payment fraud protection software.  

However, this meant that vendors are required to onboard in two different systems, while our enterprise users conduct manual checks in both Felix and Eftsure. 

As we continuously strive to build a better way for our vendors and enterprise customers, we saw an opportunity to streamline the payment validation process by integrating Eftsure into the Felix onboarding process.  This not only reduces duplication of effort but also creates a smoother user experience for both vendors and Felix enterprise customers who utilise Eftsure. 

Introducing our native integration with Eftsure – say goodbye to paying the wrong vendor, whether due to human error or attempted fraud.  

Who is Eftsure? 

Eftsure is Australia’s market leader in payment fraud prevention. They offer the technology to ensure organisations can process payments securely, while mitigating the risk of fraud and error. As an independent, real-time, continuous control monitoring system, Eftsure verifies vendor payment information supplied during onboarding to ensure that only legitimate payment information is entered into Felix. 

How does the Felix-Eftsure integration work? 

Felix and Eftsure customers can integrate the two systems to save additional time and effort in validating vendor bank details as part of the onboarding process. 

When vendors provide Australian and New Zealand based payment details in Felix, this information is automatically routed to Eftsure for instant verification or processing. 

See it in action 

Lachlan Magee, our Product Manager for our Vendor Relationship Management stream provided a walk-through of the Felix-Eftsure integration during our recent Product Showcase Webinar. 

In case you missed it, you can watch the segment here:  


Get further tips to protect yourself from payment fraud 

The Eftsure blog is a wealth of knowledge if you’re looking for information to further educate yourself about developments in the world of fraud and cybercrime and ways to ensure you’re protected. 

In particular, you might be interested in: 

What’s next for Felix? 

Don’t forget you can see what we’re working on next for Felix – from new features to enhanced functionality and future integrations – in our product roadmap portal. 

You can also provide us with feedback in our product roadmap portal as it’s our customers that help us decide what functionality is needed in Felix. 

For instructions on how to access our product roadmap via Felix, see here.   

Felix operates a cloud-based enterprise Software as a Service (SaaS) and marketplace platform for the commercial construction and related industries. Felix connects Contractors and their third-party Vendors, automating and streamlining a range of critical procurement-related business processes.
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