Vital repair works now underway on Lawloit section of Western Highway

Monica Gameng   |   January 19, 2025
Western Highway (cr: Victoria's Big Build)

As part of the Victorian Government’s record $964 million road maintenance blitz, works have commenced to repair a section of the Western Highway. 

Crews are now carrying out rehabilitation works on a one-kilometre section of the highway in Lawloit between Kaniva and Nhill. 

“Our crews are working tirelessly to rebuild, repair and resurface roads right across the state as part of our 4964 million investment in road maintenance. 

“We’re rebuilding this stretch of the Western Highway to ensure the road is more resilient to handle larger, heavier trucks that are getting goods to market – supporting the farmers, freight operators, and families who rely on it every single day,” Minister for Roads and Road Safety Melissa Horne said. 

This section of the Western Highway helps move thousands of tonnes of grain from farms across the region to storage facilities at Nhill each year and by repairing this section of highway, it will help continue supporting the State’s $4.4 billion grain industry. 

The Western Highway also serves as a major link between South Australia and western Victoria, and it helps keep hundreds of thousands of motorists as well as millions of tonnes of freight moving between Melbourne and Adelaide each year. 

These works are crucial to improving the resilience of the road network while also ensuring goods can travel to the state’s ports and markets. 

Weather permitting, the works to rebuild and strengthen the road are expected to take two months to complete. 

“Whether it’s getting grain to storage or simply driving to work, these major repairs on the Western Highway will make life easier for everyone in our community,” Member for Western Victoria Jacinta Ermacora said. 

As part of this major road maintenance blitz, repair works are also being carried out in Beaufort and Trawalla on the Western Highway. 

Crews will be completing thousands of individual projects to rebuild, repair and resurface roads across Victoria between now and June 2025, with about 70 per cent of the $964 million funding to go towards regional roads. 

With the warmer climate being more suitable for major roadworks, road users can expect to see workers deployed across the state to deliver important road works. 

Works to repair a 2.3-kilometre section of MacKinnons Bridge-Noorat Road in Noorat are also being carried out as part of the $964 million road maintenance blitz. You can read more about it here. 

Source: Premier of Victoria – Media Centre; Roads & Infrastructure Australia 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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