2022-23 Federal Budget: $2.8bn funding for SA infrastructure projects

Monica Gameng   |   April 2, 2022
Adelaide skyline (cr: Wikipedia)

A $2.8 billion funding commitment has been announced for South Australia’s infrastructure pipeline, as part of the Australian Government’s 2022-23 Budget. 

Planning for a stronger future, the Government will continue investing in projects that will create jobs, drive economic growth as well as keep commuters and freight moving and safe. 

This funding is a portion of a significant investment in new and existing infrastructure projects in every state and territory, building on the Australian Government’s national rolling 10-year infrastructure investment pipeline that now sits at a record $120 billion. 

“A strong economy means a stronger future. 

“Continuing to provide record future funding for road and rail projects is a key part of our economic plan doe the long term to keep our economy strong. 

“Australia’s future success relies on a strong economy. Our strong economic recovery is being driven by our record funding for major road projects right across the country,” Prime Minister Scott Morrison said. 

Key new South Australian projects that will receive funding include: 

  • $200 million for the Marion Road – Anzac Highway to Cross Road 
  • $120 million for the Adelaide Hills Productivity and Road Safety Package 
  • $60 million for the South East Freeway Managed Motorways – Stage 2 
  • $60 million Targeted Investments to Improve National Supply Chain Resilience 
  • $16 million for the Main South Road Productivity Package 

On the other hand, existing projects that will receive additional funding include: 

  • $2.264 billion for the North South Corridor – Torrens to Darlington 
  • $40 million for Horrocks Highway Corridor 
  • $20 million for the Marion Road and Sir Donald Bradman Drive Intersection Upgrade 

“Headlined with $2.26 billion in funding to finish the North South Corridor, this year’s Federal Budget is packed with funding for critical infrastructure projects that will have flow on effects for local businesses and put thousands of more South Australians in jobs. 

“The stretch of Marion Road that crosses the tramline and Cross Road is one of the worst bottlenecks in Adelaide. The Morrison Government has heard the concerns of commuters, the RAA and businesses and is committing $200 million to save people time, money and frustrations. 

“We look forward to working closely with the state government to ensure the effective design and delivery of this project to separate drivers along Marion Road from the disruption of crossing both Cross Road and the tramline in such close proximity,” South Australian Senator and Finance Minister Simon Birmingham said. 

Since 2013, the Australian Government has invested more than $13.7 billion in South Australian infrastructure – across 95 road and rail infrastructure projects, with 39 already completed. 

Transport infrastructure projects, funded by the Australian Government, that are currently under construction in the State are expected to support about 3,000 jobs over the life of the projects. 

“Our Government has a strong track record in delivering infrastructure that improves connections, reduces congestion and helps keep Australians moving, particularly across our fast growing urban centres. 

“What this means for commuters is less time spent in traffic and more time with loved ones, and the ability to move around more easily for work, which has a positive economic and productivity impact while helping to secure long-term prosperity and liveability,” Minister for Communications, Urban Infrastructure, Cities and the Arts Paul Fletcher said. 

Below is the list of new and existing projects that will receive funding through the $2.8 billion investment for South Australia.

New Projects

Project Name Total Australian Government Contribution Regional Status Location
Marion Road - Anzac Highway to Cross Road $200 million Urban Plympton, Adelaide
Adelaide Hills Productivity & Road Safety Package $120 million Regional Adelaide
South East Freeway Managed Motorways - Stage 2 $60 million Regional Various SA areas
Targeted Investments to Improve National Supply Chain Resilience $60 million Regional Various SA areas
Main South Road Productivity Package $16 million Regional Adelaide to Fleurieu Peninsula


Additional Funding for Existing Projects

Project Name Total Australian Government Contribution Additional funding at 2022-23 Budget Regional Status Location
North South Corridor - Torrens to Darlington $4.975 billion $2.264 billion Urban City of West Torrens
Goodwood and Torrens Junctions $210.7 million $5 million Urban North Adelaide
Rural Roads Package - Safety Package $124.4 million $10 million Regional Regional SA
Rural Roads Package - Horrocks Highway Corridor $84 million $40 million Regional Regional SA
Port Augusta to Perth - South Australia - Future Priorities $75.2 million $16.2 million Regional Regional SA
Marion Road and Sir Donald Bradman Drive Intersection Upgrade $42.5 million $20 million Urban City of West Torrens
South Eastern Freeway Safety Upgrade $37.6 million $9.6 million Regional Adelaide
Activated Safety Signing on SW Freeway $4.1 million $900,000 Regional Adelaide
Variable Speed Limit Signs $2.4 million $1.6 million Regional Regional SA


Source: Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development; Minister for Communications, Urban Infrastructure, Cities and the Arts 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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