2021-22 Budget includes major investment for transport infrastructure

Monica Gameng   |   May 13, 2021
Construction site (cr: Pixabay - Siggy Nowak)

The Australian Government has announced the 2021-22 Budget and it includes a record investment in infrastructure that will support and create jobs as well as drive growth and help rebuild the economy following the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The $110 billion, 10-year infrastructure pipeline – which is part of the Australian Government's Economic Recovery Plan – will deliver nation-building infrastructure projects, water security to inland regions, help the country meet its national freight challenge and get Australians home sooner and safer. 

Through the 2021-22 Budget, an additional $15.2 billion in new funding for infrastructure projects is committed, which will support an estimated 30,000 Australian jobs. 

To boost the country's recovery, the Government is focusing on new commitments in major infrastructure across Australia, including: 

  • $2 billion for Great Western Highway Upgrade – Katoomba to Lithgow – Construction of East and West Sections in New South Wales 
  • $2 billion investment to deliver a new Melbourne Intermodal Terminal 
  • $400 million for Bruce Highway Additional Funding in Queensland 
  • $237.5 million for METRONET: Hamilton Street / Wharf Street Grade Separation and Elevation of Associated Station in Western Australia 
  • $161.6 million for the Truro Bypass in South Australia 
  • $150 million for National Network Highway Upgrades (Phase 2) in the Northern Territory 
  • $80 million for Bass Highway Safety and Freight Efficiency Upgrades in Tasmania 
  • $26.5 million for William Hovell Drive Duplication in the Australian Capital Territory 

To date, there are over 220 major Australian Government funded projects that are already underway and these projects are anticipated to support approximately 100,000 jobs over their construction periods. 

The $2 billion commitment on a new Intermodal Freight Terminal in Melbourne will support both the Victorian and national freight networks as well as create about 1,350 jobs during its construction and a further 550 jobs at peak operation period. 

This is part of the Australian Government's commitment to deliver transformational infrastructure that will help boost productivity, efficiency and capacity of the national freight network as well as support the Government's National Freight and Supply Chain Strategy. 

The 2021-22 Budget also backs an additional $1 billion for the Road Safety Program which now has $3 billion total funding. Works commenced in January 2021, with about 700 projects approved under Tranche 1 of the program. This significant funding commitment is expected to support up to 4,500 jobs. 

Local communities will also continue to benefit from the now $2.5 billion Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program with an additional $1 billion funding from the 2021-22 Budget. This program of works will deliver local projects that matter to communities and help boost economies across Australia. This funding is projected to support about 3,500 jobs. 

To help improve water security across the regions, a further $258 million has been invested through the 2021-22 Budget for the National Water Grid. This funding is from the National Water Grid Fund that will deliver new and augmented water infrastructure projects. 

New and augmented projects funded through the Budget, in partnership with states, include: 

  • Eurobodalla Southern Storage in New South Wales – $51.2 million 
  • Werribee Irrigation District Modernisation in Victoria – $11 million 
  • Recycled Water on the Bellarine in Victoria – $5.5 million 
  • Warwick Recycled Water for Agriculture – Recycled Water Treatment Upgrade in Queensland – $500,000 
  • An additional $7.5 million for Rookwood Weir to deliver water security in North Queensland by raising the weir wall a further 700 millimetres to deliver an additional 10,000 megalitres. This brings total Australian Government investment in the project to $183.6 million 

The Australian Government is also committed to continue building a stronger regional Australia through extensions to community grants programs which directly invests in social and economic infrastructure that creates jobs and builds stronger regional communities. 

Funding will directly be provided to regions through the following initiatives: 

  • An additional $250 million for a sixth round of the successful Building Better Regions Fund, which builds on more than $1 billion already committed to our regional towns and cities from the Fund 
  • The Australian Government has brought forward approximately 50 per cent of the 2021-22 Financial Assistance Grant funding. This cash injection of more than $1.3 billion will give councils vital support to assist with the combined impacts of drought, bushfires, floods and the COVID-19 pandemic 

The record infrastructure investment from the 2021-22 Budget will aid in Australia's recovery, create and support jobs, drive growth in the regions as well as lay the foundations for the future stages of the Australian Government's Economic Recovery Plan. 

Check out our mini wiki for Australia's 2021 infrastructure project pipeline in various stages (planning, procurement, construction, etc.) for different sectors here.

Below is the list of transport infrastructure projects funded through the 2021-22 Budget. 

Jump to State / Territory: 

New South Wales

New Projects Total Australian Government Funding ($ million) Total Project Funding ($ million)
Great Western Highway Upgrade - Katoomba to Lithgow - Construction of East and West Sections 2,032 2,540
M5 Motorway - Moorebank Avenue - Hume Highway Intersection Upgrade 87.5 175
Manns Road - Intersection Upgrades at Narara Creek Road and Stockyard Place 52.8 66
Mount Ousley Interchange 240 300
Pacific Highway - Harrington Road Intersection Upgrade, Coopernook 48 60
Princes Highway Corridor (NSW):
Jervis Bay Road Intersection 100 125
Jervis Bay Road to Sussex Inlet Road - Stage 1 400 500
Stacey St Bankstown - Planning 25 50
Total 2,985.3 3,816


Existing Projects Receiving Additional Funding Additional Australian Government Funding ($ million) Total Australian Government Funding ($ million) Total Funding ($ million)
Appin Road 18 68 68
Eurobodalla Roads Upgrade Package 0.4 9.4 9.4
Far North Collector Road Network, Nowra 19 32.8 32.8
Warren Road Upgrade, Coonamble to Warren 0.03 1.93 4.83
Whipstick Bridge Upgrade, Wyndham 1.7 2.4 2.4
Total 39.1 114.5 117.4

Total Australian Government Funding in 2021-22 Budget for NSW: $3.02 billion

Roads of Strategic Importance (ROSI) Allocations of Existing Funding Total Australian Government Funding ($ million) Total Funding ($ million)
Toowoomba to Seymour - NSW:
County Boundary Road 8.2 10.2
Entrance to Mugincoble Silos Access Road 3.8 4.8
Forbes Iron Bridge Upgrade 36 45
Moree Intermodal Overpass 35.2 44
Newell Highway and Mitchell Highway Intersection Upgrade 20 40
Newell Highway and Oxley Highway Intersection Upgrade 32 40
Peak Hill Road Upgrade 'Part 1' 8.6 10.8
Peak Hill Road Upgrade 'Part 2' 7.8 9.7
Pilliga Road Upgrade 5 6.2
Purlewaugh Road Upgrade 2.4 3
Upgrades to Hargraves Lane and Federation Street 32 40
Tenterfield to Newcastle:
Bald Nob Road Upgrade 4.5 5.6
Sunnyside Platform Road Upgrade 1.5 1.9
Total 197 261.2



New Projects Total Australian Government Funding ($ million) Total Funding ($ million)
Dairy Supply Chain Road Upgrades 17.5 34.9
Mallacoota - Genoa Road Upgrade 10 10
Monash Roads Upgrade 250 250
Outer Metropolitan Ring / E6 Corridor Detailed Business Case 10 20
Pakenham Roads Upgrade 380 380
Melbourne Intermodal Terminal - Planning and Development 61.8 123.6
Melbourne Intermodal Terminal - Delivery 2,000 4,000
Total 2,729.3 4,818.5


Existing Projects Receiving Additional Funding Additional Australian Government Funding ($ million) Total Australian Government Funding ($ million) Total Funding ($ million)
Commuter Car Park Upgrades:
Belgrave/Lilydale Lines - Heathmont 3.9 18.9 18.9
Berwick Railway Station 49.2 64.2 64.2
Ferntree Gully 1 16 16
Frankston Line - Frankston 19 43.5 87
Ringwood 14.7 29.7 29.7
Forest Drive and Nepean Highway Intersection Upgrade 5 10 10
Green Triangle - Future Priorities 20 100 125
Hall Road Upgrade 56.8 141.3 282.5
Hume Freeway - O'Herns Road Interchange Upgrade 24.2 27.8 52
Melbourne to Mildura - Future Priorities 15 75 93.8
Plymouth Road Improvements 0.6 3.1 3.1
Princes Highway East 13.2 64 64
Princes Highway West 9.4 39.6 39.6
Uralla Road and Nepean Highway Intersection Upgrade 5.5 10.5 10.5
Western Port Highway Upgrade 30.4 57.5 115
Total 267.7 701 1,011.3

Total Australian Government Funding in 2021-22 Budget for VIC: $2.997 billion

Roads of Strategic Importance (ROSI) Allocations of Existing Funding Total Australian Government Funding ($ million) Total Funding ($ million)
Ballarat to Ouyen:
Birchip-Rainbow Road - McLoughlans Road Intersection Upgrade 2.4 2.4
Scoping and Development 1.9 1.9
Echuca to Robinvale - Project Scoping 2.5 2.5
Green Triangle:
Road Surface and Intersection Upgrades 7.4 7.4
Bridge Upgrades 9.4 9.4
Scoping and Development 0.4 0.4
Melbourne to Mildura:
Baileys Road Intersection, Sea Lake 3 3
Overtaking Lanes 12.5 12.5
Project Development and Preconstruction 4.4 4.4
Wide Centerline Treatment between Sunraysia Highway and Red Cliffs 2.8 3.8
Stawell to South Australian Border:
Horsham Junction Upgrade 4 4
Nhill-Jeparit Road Intersection Upgrade 1.5 1.5
Project Scoping and Development 5.2 5.2
Seaby Street Intersection Upgrade 3.1 3.1
Toowoomba to Seymour - Victoria:
Project Scoping and Development 3 3
Safety Barriers between Seymour and Shepparton 28 35
Total 91.5 98.5



New Projects Total Australian Government Funding ($ million) Total Funding ($ million)
Beerburrum to Nambour Duplication Study 5 10
Bruce Highway Additional Funding 400 500
Caboolture - Bribie Island Road (Hickey Road - King John Creek) Upgrade 10 20
Cairns Western Arterial Road Duplication 240 300
Gold Coast Rail Line Capacity Improvement (Kuraby to Beenleigh) - Preconstruction 178.1 356.2
Inland Freight Route (Mungindi to Charters Towers) Upgrades 400 500
Maryborough-Hervey Bay Road and Pialba-Burrum Heads Road Intersection Upgrade 35.3 44.1
Mooloolah River Interchange Upgrade (Packages 1 and 2) 160 320
Nicklin Way 7 18.2
Warrego Highway - Mt Crosby Road Interchange 4 5
Total 1,439.4 2,062.2


Existing Projects Receiving Additional Funding Additional Australian Govenrment Funding ($ million) Total Australian Government Funding ($ million) Total Funding ($ million)
Gold Coast Light Rail - Stage 3 126.6 395.6 1,041.1
Youngs Crossing Road, Lawnton 25 32.8 58.5
Total 151.6 428.4 1,099.6

Total Australian Government Funding in 2021-22 Budget for QLD: $1.6 billion

Roads of Strategic Importance (ROSI) Allocation of Existing Funding Total Australian Government Funding ($ million) Total Funding ($ million)
Tennant Creek to Townsville Corridor Upgrade:
Flinders Highway (Julia Creek to Cloncurry) - Scrubby Creek Pavement Strengthening and Widening 26.1 32.7
Flinders Highway (Townsville - Charters Towers) Overtaking Lanes - Packages 1 and 2 18.4 23
Flinders Highway (Townsville - Charters Towers) Wide Centre Line Treatment 7.8 9.7
Townsville to Roma Corridor Upgrade:
Gregory Developmental Road (Charters Towers - The Lynd): Feeder Road - Pavement Strengthening and Widening - Package 1 12.2 15.3
Capricorn Highway and Gregory Highway Intersection Upgrade (Emerald) 6.3 7.9
Total 70.8 88.5


Western Australia

New Projects Total Australian Government Funding ($ million) Total Funding ($ million)
Great Eastern Highway Upgrades - Coates Gully, Walgoolan to Southern Cross and Ghooli to Benari 200 250
Great Northern Highway - Broome to Kununurra (Nellie Springs to Sally Downs Well and Arthur Creek) 48 60
Indian Ocean Drive - Jurien Bay to Brand Highway 44 55
Kalgoorlie Rail Realignment - Business Case 2 2.5
Mandurah Estuary Bridge Duplication 55 110
Marble Bar Road Upgrade 48 120
METRONET: Hamilton Street / Wharf Street Grade Separation and Elevation of Associated Stations 237.5 475
Orrong Road Expressway - Graham Farmer Freeway to Leach Highway Planning 10 20
Perth Airport Precinct - Northern Access 85 170
Reid Highway - Altone Road and Daviot Road / Drumpellier Drive - Grade Separated Intersections 112.5 225
Toodyay Road Upgrade - Dryandra to Toodyay 64 80
WA Agricultural Supply Chain Improvements - Package 1 160 200
Wanneroo Road - Dunstan Road to Romeo Road - Duplication 7.6 15.2
Total 1,073.6 1,782.7


Existing Projects Receiving Additional Funding Additional Australian Government Funding ($ million) Total Australian Government Funding ($ million) Total Funding ($ million)
Leach Highway (Welshpool Road Interchange) 21.5 68 136
METRONET: Byford Extension 110 350.5 635
METRONET: High Capacity Signalling 31.5 133.8 267.6
Mitchell Freeway Extension - Hester Avenue to Romeo Road 8.5 116 232
Mitchell Freeway Widening Southbound - Cedric Street to Vincent Street 7.2 39.2 49
Port Augusta to Perth (WA) - Great Eastern Highway - Walgoolan to Southern Cross and Coates Gully 14.4 32.4 40.5
Regional State Road Safety Improvement Program 16 96 120
Thomas Road and Nicholson Road 4 14 28
Wanneroo Road - Morley Drive Intersection Upgrade, Balcatta 2.5 10 20
Wanneroo Road and Joondalup Drive Interchange 6 38.7 62
Total 221.6 898.6 1,590.1

Total Australian Government Funding in 2021-22 Budget for WA: $1.3 billion

South Australia

New Projects Total Australian Government Funding ($ million) Total Funding ($ million)
Augusta Highway Duplication Stage 2 148 185
Eyre Highway Widening and Upgrade Planning Study 1 2
Greater Adelaide Freight Bypass Planning Study 5 10
Heysen Tunnel Refit and Upgrade - Stage 2 48 60
Kangaroo Island Road Safety and Bushfire Resilience Package 32 40
Marion Road and Sir Donald Bradman Drive Intersection Upgrade 22.5 45
Murray Bridge to South East Links Planning Study 2.5 5
North East Road and Nottage Terrace Intersection Upgrade 3 6
North-South Corridor - Darlington to Anzac Highway 2,600 5,200
Truro Bypass 161.6 202
Total 3,023.6 5,755


Existing Projects Receiving Additional Funding Additional Australian Government Funding ($ million) Total Australian Government Funding ($ million) Total Funding ($ million)
Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands - Main Access Road Upgrade - Stuart Highway to Pukatja 12 125.4 156.8
Gawler Rail Line Electrification 60 280 560
Goodwood and Torrens Junction 3.1 205.7 388.6
Overpass at Port Wakefield and Township Duplication 27.6 99.6 124.5
Strzelecki Track Upgrade - Sealing 64 164 205
Total 166.7 874.7 1,434.9

Total Australian Government Funding in 2021-22 Budget for SA: $3.2 billion


New Projects Total Australian Government Funding ($ million) Total Funding ($ million)
Algona Road Grade Separated Interchange and Duplication of the Kingston Bypass 48 60
Huon Link Road 13.2 16.5
Midland Highway Upgrade - Campbell Town North (Campbell Town to Epping Forest) 37.8 54
Midland Highway Upgrade - Oatlands (Jericho to South of York Plains) 36.4 45.5
Midland Highway Upgrade - Ross (Mona Vale Road to Campbell Town) 35.7 44.6
Rokeby Road - South Arm Road Upgrades 44 55
Tasmanian Roads Package - Bass Highway Safety and Freight Efficiency Upgrades Package - Future Priorities 80 100
Total 295.1 375.6


Existing Projects Receiving Additional Funding Additional Australian Government Funding ($ million) Total Australian Government Funding ($ million) Total Funding ($ million)
Tasmanian Midland Highway Upgrade - Preconstruction 3.5 18.9 25.9
Tasmanian Freight Rail Revitalisation - Tranche 3 - Port of Burnie Shiploader Upgrade 24 64 64
Total 27.5 82.9 89.9

Total Australian Government Funding in 2021-22 Budget for TAS: $322.6 million

Northern Territory

New Projects Total Australian Government Funding ($ million) Total Funding ($ million)
Development Study for a Proposed Tennant Creek Multimodal Facility and Rail Terminal 0.3 0.3
Northern Territory National Network Highway Upgrades (Phase 2) 150 150
Northern Territory Gas Industry Upgrades 173.6 217
Total 323.9 367.3

Total Australian Government Funding in 2021-22 Budget for NT: $323.9 million

Roads of Strategic Importance (ROSI) Allocations of Existing Funding Total Australian Government Funding ($ million) Total Funding ($ million)
Alice Springs to Darwin Corridor:
Arnhem Highway Upgrade at Beatrice Hill 25.3 31.7
Roper Highway Upgrade (Stage 1) 4.3 5.4
Alice Springs to Halls Creek Corridor Upgrade - Scoping and Investigations 3.3 4.1
Total 33 41.2


Australian Capital Territory

New Projects Total Australian Government Funding ($ million) Total Funding ($ million)
Betlana Road Improvements 2.50 5
Canberra Light Rail - Stage 2A 132.5 265
William Hovell Drive Duplication 26.5 53
Total 161.5 323


Existing Projects Receiving Additional Funding Additional Australian Government Funding ($ million) Total Australian Government Funding ($ million) Total Funding ($ million)
Gundaroo Drive Duplication 5 25 54.5
Variable Speed Limit System 0.8 1.1 4.5
Total 5.8 26.1 59

Total Australian Government Funding in 2021-22 Budget for ACT: $167.3 million

Source: Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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