Join 8K+ users who manage 110,000+ vendors

Get a personalised demo to see how Felix enables: 
  • Greater speed & efficiency engaging suppliers
  • Less duplication - no need for paper or email
  • Real-time, up-to-date & reliable vendor data
  • A modular built platform to suit your business

If you're looking to contact us about other matters, please contact us.

Frequently Asked Questions

Like many other software providers, our annual license fee is calculated based on a number of metrics including numbers of users, vendors and desired levels of support. Please get in touch to dicuss your organisation's use case.

Our data is securely hosted via Amazon Web Services in Sydney, Australia.

Vendors do not pay to be a part of an organisation's Felix network. They are offered onboarding and technical support which is covered by the organisation's licence fee.

Depending on an organisation's use case, Felix can be up and running within weeks rather than months. We are more than happy to walk you through our implementation processes and specific timeframes.

Yes Felix is available on mobile and tablet allowing you to access your vendor data whenever you need.

Felix offers online and phone-based support for all users and vendors. Our dedicated Help Centre also provides resources users can refer back to whenever they need.

What our customers say
"Felix provides real-time visibility of what stage the procurement process is at, from who is waiting on approvals to visibility of all documents and analysis."


Peter Bolanis | Head of Procurement & Contracts — West Gate Tunnel Project