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Works to upgrade NSW Griffith Station will commence soon

Written by Monica Gameng | Nov 3, 2024 12:30:00 AM

Works will soon commence to improve safety and accessibility at Griffith Station in New South Wales after the State Government signed off on the station upgrade plans. 

This station upgrade is part of the Minns Labor Government’s $800 million Safe Accessible Transport Program which is aimed at ensuring local transport is made more inclusive for people with disabilities and other mobility challenges. 

Earlier this year, the State Government announced this significant investment to deliver upgrades to seven train stations, including Griffith Station. You can read more about the announcement here. 

“Public transport should be safe and accessible places for everyone. That’s why the NSW Government is investing $800 million in the new Safe Accessible Transport Program, to make sure our public transport is as safe and inclusive as possible,” Minister for Transport Jo Haylen said. 

“Regional communities like Griffith have had to wait too long for accessibility upgrades and the Minns Labor Government is acting to right this wrong and improve access. 

“The work we are doing at regional stations like Griffith won’t just improve access to public transport; it’ll mean passengers with disabilities and mobility challenges will have better acccess to healthcare, education and job opportunities that all enrich our regional communities,” Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Jenny Aitchison said. 

The Griffith Station upgrade will include: 

  • A new boarding zone 
  • Tactile indicators 
  • New ambulant toilets 
  • Upgrades to existing ramps 
  • Modification to the ticket counter and waiting room 
  • Improvements to wayfinding and lighting 

Improvements to the station will also deliver a new coach bay, bus shelter and accessible car parking spaces as well as a new accessible path from the station to the car park. 

Joss Group has been awarded the contract to undertake the delivery of safety and accessibility improvements to Griffith Station. Works are scheduled to begin in late 2024 and be completed by mid-2025, weather permitting. 

“The community has been waiting a long time for these upgrades. 

“These upgrades will help make our station accessible to everyone in our community, which is incredibly important,” Independent Member for Murray Helen Dalton said. 

“I’m pleased to see these improvements being made Griffith have been designed to support and improve accessibility for passengers, including people with disability, parents or carers with prams and the elderly. 

“Community feedback helped shape the final upgrade package and I look forward to seeing the final result next year,” NSW Labor’s spokesperson for Murray Bob Nanva said. 

Source: NSW Government – Media Releases; Transport for NSW; Rail Express