Works to revitalise Roe Street in Northbridge WA are now underway

Monica Gameng   |   June 5, 2021
Roe Street revitalisation (cr: City of Perth)

One of Perth's oldest streets, Roe Street in Northbridge, is now being revitalised as part of the $1.5 billion Perth City Deal – a joint agreement between the Commonwealth, Western Australian Government and City of Perth. 

“The $1.5 billion Perth City Deal sees all levels of government investing in the future of this vibrant city by working together to deliver important projects such as this one, which will benefit the local community and visitors, and encourage more people into the CBD. 

“The Morrison Government has committed $47.5 million specifically towards the CBD Transport Plan to improve active and public transport safety in Perth, and increase the attractiveness and sustainability of the city,” Federal Minister for Urban Infrastructure Paul Fletcher said. 

The $22 million transformational project will turn the “car-dominant” Roe Street into a vibrant destination within the city, improving connectivity and providing better transport options between Northbridge and the CBD. 

“The Perth CBD has a lot of great and vibrant attractions and we want to encourage more people to walk and ride through the city centre. 

“The $22 million Roe Street Enhancement Project will revitalise one of the City's oldest streets, making it more welcoming and accessible for cyclists and pedestrians. 

“This builds on our commitment to upgrade and fill the gaps on our cycling network across the Perth CBD and broader Perth area,” Transport Minister Rita Saffioti said. 


The Roe Street Enhancement Project is being delivered by DevelopmentWA and the City of Perth, with Civcon undertaking a staged construction to help reduce impact on the city. 

The project is split into two separate work packages, namely: 

  • Package A (delivered by DevelopmentWA) 
    • Concrete and asphalt removal and reconstruction 
    • Existing service location and investigation 
    • Underground services installation (including trenching, pit and pipe installation) 
  • Package B (delivered by the City of Perth) 
    • Creation of wider footpaths to accommodate increased pedestrian movement and activity, including alfresco dining 
    • New street lighting and CCTV assets to improve public safety and support the night-time economy 
    • Protected uni-directional cycle lanes to improve the safety of cyclists and pedestrians, as well as ensuring integration into the overall cycle network to the city 
    • A narrower street corridor to encourage lower vehicle speeds and to make it easier for pedestrians to cross 
    • 200+ new street trees will be planted to provide shade, urban cooling and greenery 
    • Brand new paving, street furniture and City of Perth free public Wi-Fi to encourage footfall 

“One of our top priorities is to encourage more people back into the CBD to support our local businesses an encourage vibrancy. 

“The Roe Street Revitalisation project will transform the precinct between the CBD and Northbridge and marks the start of $1.5b worth of investment in our CBD through the Perth City Deal,” Lord Mayor of the City of Perth Basil Zempilas said. 

The Roe Street Enhancement Project is due to be completed in Spring 2022. 

Source: Government of Western Australia – Media Statements; City of Perth 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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