Works ramp up on the $240m QuayLink project at Devonport TAS

Monica Gameng   |   April 6, 2023
QuayLink project (cr: TasPorts)

The Tasmanian Government is forging ahead with the delivery of a $240 million infrastructure project at the Port of Devonport, with works now ramping up. 

TasPorts’ QuayLink development is a once-in-a-generation infrastructure project that will future-proof Devonport as a freight and tourism gateway over the next five decades. 

The QuayLink project includes berthing and terminal upgrades to enable the port to accommodate larger vessels while increasing freight capacity for Bass Strait operators by 40 per cent. 

“When works are completed, an additional 160,000 passengers will be able to enter Devonport every year, adding an expected $200 million to tourism expenditure across the State. 

“The boost to tourism and trade will increase the Gross State Product by $130 million. 

“This is great news for the State and great news for Devonport,” Premier Jeremy Rockliff said. 

Artists-impression-Check-In-Terminal-3Artist impression (source: TasPorts)

The project will deliver: 

  • A multi-user berth (Terminal 1) that will support future growth opportunities 
  • Upgrades to port terminal areas (Terminals 2 and 3) which will support the transport of passengers (via their own vehicles and on-foot) along with truck and trailer freight. The upgrades will also improve landscaping and streetscaping across the port, enhance visual and acoustic barriers, and deliver innovative sustainable design and construction solutions 
  • State-of-the-art roll-on-roll-off passenger and freight berth (Terminal 3) that will facilitate the efficient transport of wheeled cargo while also substantially increasing the flexibility and speed of loading and unloading 
  • State-of-the-art technology such as a three-dimensional vessel port monitoring system, solar technology and upgrades to improve navigation, GPS or RFIS, electric vehicle charging stations, and renewable energy sources 

The project will also address existing capacity constraints at the port and help unlock billions in investment in shipping companies seeking to invest in larger, more efficient vessels to meet growth and demand. 

“TasPorts contractors, the Hazell Brady Joint Venture is more than halfway through the dredge and reclaim. They will then construct a state-of-the-art wharf for the next generation of Spirit vessels. 

“The three new vessels are currently being built and are expected to arrive from 2024 onwards,” Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Michael Ferguson said. 

Port-layout_2023-02-06-023415_yxatProject plan (source: TasPorts)

The QuayLink project is expected to create more than 2,000 jobs during its construction, including 1,300 direct and more than 700 indirect jobs. 

Since January of this year, over 30 Tasmanian businesses have been engaged for works that range from crane hire, electrical, diving, reinforcing, surveying, marine, civil contractors, welding, earth moving, plumbing and waste management. 

The State Government’s Buying Local is 9.5 per cent above the target and this is great news for Tasmanian contractors and small businesses. 

TasPorts is delivering the works in stages and there are a total of nine work packages for the project, which will stimulate local supply and spend. 

The QuayLink project is expected to be completed by 2027. 

Source: Premier of Tasmania – News; TasPorts – Devonport QuayLink; Inside Construction 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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