Works now underway on congestion-busting Tonkin Gap project in WA

Monica Gameng   |   November 4, 2020
Tonkin Gap (cr: Main Roads WA)

Early works are now underway on the Tonkin Gap project in Western Australia, with major construction expected to ramp up over the coming months. 

Groundworks have commenced on the northern section of the project and this includes enabling works for the Morley-Ellenbrook Line, in the median of Tonkin Highway as well as underneath the Reid Highway and Tonkin Highway interchange. 

Trains running from the new Bayswater Station and down the middle of Tonkin Highway will be able to enter Tonkin Highway and then exit before the new Malaga Station through two new underpasses with dive structures – which are currently under construction as part of the project’s enabling works for the METRONET Morley-Ellenbrook Line. 

Other associated works include new road and bus bridges built at Broun Avenue, including a bus interchange station, which will provide access to the future Morley Station. 

Works will also be commencing soon on the southern end of the Tonkin Gap project to help bust congestion on the Tonkin Highway between Morley and Redcliffe – one of Perth’s most congested roads. 

These works have been fast tracked to help support the State’s economic recovery from COVID-19. 

“The start of these works signal the beginning of the next infrastructure transformation in the north eastern suburbs, after the success of the Tonkin Highway extension and Reid Highway works. 

“This year alone we have seven METRONET projects underway and through our Building for Tomorrow program, we are creating lasting infrastructure for generations to come,” Premier Mark McGowan said. 

tonkin-map-project-mapProject map (source: Main Roads WA)

The Tonkin Gap project, together with the METRONET Morley-Ellenbrook Line project, is anticipated to create thousands of jobs for Western Australia. The Tonkin Gap alone is expected to create up to 3,000 jobs. 

“Not only is this critical infrastructure that the Morrison Government has prioritised, it also means thousands of jobs for hard working West Australians. 

“It’s crucial that we support the WA economy as we come out the other side of COVID and fast-tracking projects like the Tonkin Highway Gap is part of our plan,” Federal Minister for Population, Cities and Urban Infrastructure Alan Tudge said. 

Just last month, the main construction contract for the METRONET Morley-Ellenbrook Line was awarded to the MELconnx Consortium comprising of Laing O’Rourke Australia Construction. You can read more about the contract award here. 

“We now have workers on the ground starting the vital enabling works for the train to travel down Tonkin Highway to Ellenbrook – just like we promised. 

“There will be significant traffic management and inconvenience over the coming years however doing the enabling works and highway upgrades under one contract will mean less disruption further down the track. I thank everyone in advance for their patience,” Transport Minister Rita Saffioti said. 

The preliminary concept for the Tonkin Gap project will include: 

  • Widening Tonkin Highway to provide new lanes in each direction from Dunreath Drive to Collier Road, as well as roads linking Guildford Road and Great Eastern Highway 
  • New bridges over the Swan River, Dunstone Road, Guildford Road and Railway Parade 
  • New fully grade-separated Principal Shared Path (PSP) on the western side of Tonkin Highway from north of Guildford Road interchange to approximately Stanton Road with local connections 
  • Noise walls 
  • Upgraded lighting and intelligent transport systems (ITS) infrastructure 

“The Morrison Government is providing record amount of funding to infrastructure projects in Swan. 

“In addition, the commencement of these works are essential to our economic recovery here in WA,” Federal Member for Swan Steve Irons said. 

Enabling works on the METRONET Morley-Ellenbrook Line are due to be completed in late 2022, while the Tonkin Gap project is expected to be completed in late 2023. 

The Tonkin Gap project is going to be built by the Tonkin Gap Alliance, which is comprised of BMD, Georgiou Group, WA Limestone, BG&E and GHD. 

Source: Government of Western Australia – Media Statements; Minister for Population, Cities and Urban Infrastructure; Main Roads WA 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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