Works contract awarded for Stage 2 of Nelson Point Tug Haven upgrade

Monica Gameng   |   May 20, 2023
Port of Port Hedland (cr: Pilbara Ports Authority)

A new outer wall is set to be built at the Port of Port Hedland as part of the second stage of the $72.5 million Nelson Point Tug Haven project, and Western Australia-based company TAMS Group has been awarded the contract to build it. 

Built in 1985, the Nelson Point Tug Haven – the largest of three operational tug pens at the port – has deteriorated over time due to the impacts of cyclones as well as from wear and tear from more powerful and larger tugboats mooring at the haven. 

“The Pilbara region continues to be the driving force for our State and national economies, and our ports are playing an integral role in delivering our exports to the world. 

“Given how critical our ports are, we need to make sure we grow and maintain the infrastructure, so that we continue to harness the economic opportunities that are available. 

“Last year, tug boats guided more than 6,600 large vessels into and out of the Port of Port Hedland – which is why it is essential we provide fit-for-purpose infrastructure to safely house them,” Ports Minister Rita Saffioti said. 

Under their contract, TAMS Group will build a new outside wave screen wall that will shelter and protect vessels from waves and storm surge in cyclones and other extreme weather events. 

The new sheet pile wall at the tug haven has been designed to better withstand severe weather conditions to provide port users with safe and reliable assets. 

The company will also undertake the upgrading of six associated tug pens at the 6.3-metre-deep facility that can provide operational and cyclonic mooring and access. 

“TAMS is extremely pleased to be awarded the contract to expand and upgrade the Nelson Point Tug Haven facility. We are proud to be part of a major program of works at the Port to expand its capacity and lift trade and investment in the region. 

“Our teams located at our Pilbara shorebases at Onslow and Port Hedland have been working with Pilbara Ports Authority for more than a decade to build, improve and maintain the infrastructure at these important WA ports. We continue to live, work, and invest in the Pilbara and are proud members of its community,” TAMS Group Chief Executive Officer Lee Bartlett said. 

Other works to be carried out as part of the project include the demolition of the existing outer wall along with the installation of gangways and pontoons. 

As part of TAMS Group’s contract, the builder will also be providing up to $3.25 million worth of works to Pilbara-based businesses. 

The first stage of the upgrade commenced in October 2021, and it included works to stabilise the tug haven revetments. All upgrades to Nelson Point Tug Haven are due to be completed by mid-2024. 

“My focus is to ensure local businesses continue to see the benefit of the significant amount of investment being made in the Pilbara region – and this project is another great example. 

“It’s brilliant that local businesses have the opportunity to work on major projects within the communities they live, reinjecting money back into the local economy,” Pilbara MLA Kevin Michel said. 

Source: Government of Western Australia – Media Statements; TAMS Group; Pilbara Ports Authority; Australian Mining 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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