Works commence to upgrade the busy Sunbury Road in VIC

Monica Gameng   |   February 18, 2022
Sunbury Road (cr: Victoria's Big Build)

Victorians driving along Sunbury Road will soon be able to have a faster and less congested journey home as work gets underway to upgrade this busy road. 

Winslow Infrastructure has been awarded the contract to deliver the project. 

The Sunbury Road upgrade is part of the $2.27 billion Suburban Road Upgrade – South Eastern Roads and Northern Roads package. This package of works aims to upgrade suburban roads across Melbourne’s south eastern and northern areas. 

“Sunbury Road is a major connection for Melbourne’s north-west corridor, with more than 25,000 motorists relying on this road each day. 

“The Morrison Government is committed to funding the delivery of this important project and improving road safety for commuters in Melbourne’s north-west,” Federal Minister for Communications, Urban Infrastructure, Cities and the Arts Paul Fletcher MP said. 

The Sunbury Road upgrade will include: 

  • Adding an extra lane in each direction between Powlett Street and Bulla-Diggers Rest Road 
  • Installation of traffic lights to replace the roundabouts at Francis Boulevard and Lancefield Road 
  • Installation of traffic lights at 600 Sunbury Road 
  • Upgrading the existing bridge and building a new bridge over the Jackson Creek 
  • Building new walking and cycling paths 
  • Installation of safety barriers along the road 

“We’re getting on with delivering the Sunbury Road upgrade to slash travel times and boost safety – making it easier for locals to get to where they need to go. 

“Sunbury Road is a vital connection for the north-west; adding an additional lane in each direction and improving the roundabouts will provide a huge benefit to the area,” Victorian Minister for Transport Infrastructure Jacinta Allan MP said. 

sunbury-road-upgrade-mapSource: Victoria's Big Build

Once completed, the upgraded Sunbury Road will be able to provide communities with better connections to the Sunbury town centre, local services and employment hubs in the region. 

“Locals who use Sunbury Road every day now how important this upgrade is for the area. 

“Whether you’re driving, riding or walking, we’re building better roads that help get people home safer and sooner,” Victorian Member for Sunbury Josh Bull MP said. 

Early works on the Sunbury Road upgrade will also include preliminary road widening at the southern end of the project along with utility investigations and relocation designs. Major construction is anticipated to begin in the second half of 2022 and is due to be completed in 2025. 

This road upgrade builds on the ongoing Sunbury Line upgrade as well as Gap Road level crossing removal project, with all three projects expected to help transform Sunbury’s transport network while creating better opportunities in one of the Melbourne’s booming regions. 

Source: Premier of Victoria – Media Centre; Minister for Communications, Urban Infrastructure, Cities and the Arts; Victoria’s Big Build (1, 2

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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