Works commence to upgrade TAS key freight route Zeehan Highway

Monica Gameng   |   February 17, 2024
Zeehan Highway (cr:

The Zeehan Highway – one of Tasmania’s key freight routes on the west coast – is getting a major upgrade, with Shaw Contracting securing the $10.6 million works contract. 

Works are now underway to improve the Zeehan Highway from the Murchison Highway junction to Henty Road in Zeehan. 

This upgrade is part of the $44 million initiative to improve the Zeehan and Murchison highways, which is jointly funded by the Australian ($35 million) and Tasmanian ($9 million) governments. 

“The Australian Government is pleased to be contributing funding to this important project for the west coast region of Tasmania which needs more reliable and safer highways, especially for heavy vehicle traffic. 

“West coast residents, freight industries and tourists will all greatly benefit for years to come from this work jointly funded by the Australian and Tasmanian governments,” Federal Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Minister Catherine King said. 

The Zeehan Highway project will involve upgrading a 4.72-kilometre section of the highway between the Murchison Highway turnoff and Henty Main Road. 

The upgrade will deliver two three-metre sealed lanes, one-metre sealed shoulders and 0.5-metre gravel verges along with additional widening at corners to help improve road safety. 

Construction on the Zeehan Highway project is expected to be completed in May 2025. 

“These works are the latest on the Murchison Highway, with the road already progressively upgraded from Belvoir Road south to Sterling River Bridge. 

“This investment is crucial to support future increased demand from mining and tourism traffic,” TAS Infrastructure and Transport Minister Michael Ferguson said. 

“This work is welcome news for the west coast region as heavy vehicles are a large amount of the traffic using that section of road. 

“This proves the Australian Government is committed to safety, efficiency and capacity of vital infrastructure which is crucial to local industries constantly reliant on this part of the highway,” Senator for Tasmania Anne Urquhart said. 

Upgrades will continue north along the Murchison Highway between the Argent River and Ring River as part of a future stage of works. 

Future upgrades between Roseby and Zeehan will help increase freight efficiency while also reducing travel times, improving inter-regional connections to and from northern export ports in Tasmania, providing safer highways, and supporting tourism in the area. 

In addition to wider curves, sealed road shoulders, and provisions of gravel verges, the works will also provide more formal overtaking opportunities and strategically located pull-off and load checking sites for heavy vehicles. 

Source: Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government; Premier of Tasmania – News; Tasmanian Government – Transport Services 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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