Works commence on final section of $175m WA Albany Ring Road project

Monica Gameng   |   March 14, 2022
Albany Ring Road (cr: Main Roads WA)

The Albany Ring Road in Western Australia is close to completion and providing a free-flowing link between Albany Highway and Princess Royal Drive as works get underway on the remaining section of the project. 

The final six-kilometre section will run between South Coast Highway and Princess Royal Drive. 

“The Albany Ring Road will improve connections between major freight infrastructure, including airports and commercial and industrial areas, which will help industries grow and support more jobs. 

“This will drive new and expanded economic opportunities in the local area and beyond,” Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Barnaby Joyce said. 

The Albany Ring Road is an 11-kilometre stretch of road that will help improve freight efficiency and reduce congestion on existing routes. It is also the largest infrastructure project delivered in the Great Southern region. 

The first stage of the project is due to open to traffic in April of this year. 

“When complete, the Albany Ring Road will take heavy vehicles away from the town centre, better support local businesses and improve commute times through the city. 

“It will provide certainty for Albany Port users and open up new economic opportunities to the north and west of the city, while also taking heavy vehicles out of residential areas and away from the centre of town,” WA Transport Minister Rita Saffioti said. 

The route for Albany Ring Road will extend south from Menang Drive and Albany Highway intersection and parallel to Link Road until it connects to Princess Royal Drive. 

The new road is being built around the City of Albany and will link to existing roads, improving access to Mirambeena Strategic Industrial Area. 

albany-ring-road-map-2Project alignment (source: Main Roads WA)

The $175 million project is delivered in two phases: 

  • Construction of a new interchange at Albany Highway and extension of the Ring Road south to Lancaster Road 
  • Final section of the Ring Road from Lancaster Road to Princess Royal Drive 

“Every time I drive past the site, it is a hive of activity. 

“I am so pleased we are close to the opening of Phase 1, and that Phase 2 of the project is now getting off the ground, generating new jobs and contracting opportunities for local businesses,” State Member for Albany Rebecca Stephens said. 

Pre-construction works have been ongoing over the past month to pave the way for upcoming earthworks and bridge works. This included the installation of new fencing, seed collection, topsoil removal, relocation of utilities and services protection works. 

In late February, temporary closure of Link Road between Lancaster Road and South Coast Highway was implemented to enable construction of new access ramps associated with the Albany Ring Road and South Coast Highway interchange. 

Works on the first grade-separated interchange in the Great Southern Region – at Menang Drive and Albany Highway – are progressing well and the bridge as well as road ramps are anticipated to open next month. 

To access Albany Highway, vehicles heading north from the Menang Drive intersection need to cross over the new bridge and use a new loop ramp. 

According to Federal Member for O’Connor Rick Wilson, the Albany Ring Road complements other projects being delivered in the region. 

“The Australian Government has committed more than $17.7 billion for transport infrastructure funding across Western Australia since 2013. 

“The Australian Government will continue to invest in and deliver the infrastructure projects that matter to locals, tourists and businesses across regional Western Australia,” Mr Wilson said. 

The $175 million Albany Ring Road projects is jointly funded by the Australian and Western Australian Governments, each contributing $140 million and $35 million respectively. 

Source: Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development; Government of Western Australia - Media Statements; Main Roads Western Australia; Australian Government – Department for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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