Manufacturing has commenced on Melbourne’s first G Class Trams, marking another major milestone on the $1.85 billion Next Generation Trams Project.
This project is delivering a fleet of 100 low floor trams alongside a new maintenance and stabling facility at Maidstone.
The new G Class trams will be more accessible and have more space, being able to accommodate up to 150 passengers – double the capacity of current high floor trams on the network.
The new tram fleet has been developed and refined following extensive consultation with representatives from accessibility and technical groups as well as passengers and tram drivers. Engagement with these representatives included tours of a life-size model of the tram.
Each 25-metre-long G Class tram will have three sections and will feature more doors, handrails and improvements to displays and passenger information to make it easier and more accessible for people to use public transport.
The new trams are being built with at least 65 per cent local content. This project will support abuot 1,900 local jobs across manufacturing, construction and the supply chain.
“Our next-generation G Class trams will deliver more comfortable, accessible and energy-efficient journeys – developed with, built by, and made for Victorians.
“This exciting project will make Melbourne’s iconic tram network even better, while supporting hundreds of skilled jobs and keeping critical manufacturing skills and capabilities in Victoria,” Minister for Public and Active Transport Gabrielle Williams said.
The G Class tram fleet is also being built to be more sustainable, featuring on-board energy storage as well to capture energy from braking and help limit electricity usage at peak times – ultimately reducing power use and network costs.
The first G Class trams are expected to begin testing on the network next year before taking passengers on Routes 57, 59 and 82 in Melbourne’s west.
In addition to the manufacturing of new trams, works are also getting underway to build the new Maidstone tram maintenance and stabling facility.
Significant accessibility improvements have also been delivered across Victoria’s public transport network, including 98 accessible tram stops and over 80 new or upgraded train stations.
Since 2015, the State Government has invested more than $9 billion in new and upgraded rolling stock and supporting infrastructure, generating approximately 10,000 jobs across the industry.
Source: Premier of Victoria – Media Centre; Victorian Government – Next Generation Trams; Infrastructure Magazine; Rail Express
The Victorian Government is getting on with improving Melbourne’s tram network to make it more modern, reliable and accessible.
The AirRail Melbourne consortium - comprised of IFM Investors, Melbourne Airport, Metro Trains and Southern Cross Station - is set to invest $5 billion towards the construction of a new airport rail link that will connect the city to the Melbourne Airport via subway.
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