Works begin on WA Great Eastern Highway Bypass Interchanges project

Monica Gameng   |   November 19, 2021
Great Eastern Highway Bypass (cr: Main Roads WA)

The $386.5 million Great Eastern Highway Bypass Interchanges project in Western Australia is now under construction and is a step closer to providing improved connectivity and safety as well as relieve congestion in Perth’s Eastern Metropolitan region. 

The beginning of major construction follows the appointment of the Greater Connect Alliance – comprised of Laing O’Rourke, AECOM and Arcadis in partnership with Main Roads WA – as preferred builder for the project. 

Initial construction works will focus on the Bypass around the Abernethy Road intersection, with works to include building a temporary alignment of the Bypass to enable traffic to continue moving while construction on the first new interchange gets underway. 

Construction on key components of the project will commence progressively from 2022 onwards.

“The Great Eastern Highway Bypass Interchanges will be a game-changer for road users in Perth’s east. 

“The project brings together five long-awaited road upgrades, which will reduce congestion, improve safety and enhance access into Midland, while providing better connectivity to the Hazelmere, Forrestfield, Kewdale and Perth Airport industrial areas. 

“It will also complete the last 30 kilometre missing principal shared path link along Roe Highway between Midland and Jandakot, creating an uninterrupted path for cyclists and pedestrians. 

“Our Government is continuing to create opportunities for local businesses and support local jobs through our transport infrastructure program of works,” WA Minister for Transport Rita Saffioti MLA said. 

gehbi-map-may-2021-2Source: Main Roads WA

The Great Eastern Highway Bypass Interchanges project will include: 

  • Construction of two grade-separated interchanges along Great Eastern Highway at Abernethy Road and Roe Highway 
  • An extension of Lloyd Street from its current end point to south of Clayton Street to Great Eastern Highway Bypass, including a new bridge over the Helena River 
  • Upgrades to the Great Eastern Highway Bypass, including the removal of the existing intersection at Stirling Crescent 
  • Upgrade of Roe Highway between Talbot Road and Slayton Street, including a bridge duplication over Helena River, to three lanes 
  • Upgrades to Abernethy Road 
  • Completing the missing link in the 30-kilometre Principal Shared Path between Midland and Jandakot 
  • Removal of traffic lights at key congestion hot spots including the intersection of Great Eastern Highway and Roe Highway as well as Abernethy Road and Great Eastern Highway 

“The Great Eastern Highway Bypass Interchanges project will provide major benefits to road users in Perth’s eastern suburbs. 

“This is another example of the Morrison Government funding critical infrastructure in WA through our record 10-year, $110 billion infrastructure investment program,” Federal Member for Hasluck Ken Wyatt MP said. 

The project is jointly funded by the Australian and Western Australian Governments with contributions from the City of Swan and the City of Kalamunda. 

Overall completion of the $386.5 million project is expected in 2024 and this development is expected to support up to 2,700 jobs.

“The Morrison Government is contributing $247 million to this important project through the Urban Congestion Fund, under which we are delivering 182 packages of work nationwide. 

“The total number of Urban Congestion Fund projects that are now complete or underway nationwide is 76. A further 12 are expected to start construction this year. 

“By the end of 2022, more than 80 per cent of all packages are expected to be completed or under construction,” Minister for Communications, Urban Infrastructure, Cities and the Arts Paul Fletcher MP said. 

Source: Government of Western Australia – Media Statements; Minister for Communications, Urban Infrastructure, Cities and the Arts; Main Roads WA 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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