Works begin on Toowoomba Second Range Crossing western links

Monica Gameng   |   May 25, 2017

Construction on vital interchanges west of Toowoomba – as part of the $1.6 billion Toowoomba Second Range Crossing (TSRC) project – is well underway, with earthworks ramping up on Stage 2 of the Gore Highway upgrade at Athol as well as on the Warrego West interchange projects.

According to Federal Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Darren Chester, the new interchanges will help improve freight efficiency as well as reduce congestion in the region and help save lives.

“Creating good connections for heavy vehicles using TSRC means fewer trucks through the middle of Toowoomba, quicker travel times for all drivers and improved safety all around.

“The Australian Government is investing up to $1.137 billion in the TSRC – money well spent when it comes to boosting the local, state and national economy and keeping people safe on our roads,” Mr Chester said.

Federal Member for Groom John McVeigh said that linking the Gore Highway to the TSRC at Athol will help improve the efficiency and safety of the interstate road network.

“The project will also improve safety for Toowoomba locals with fewer trucks travelling through the Central Business District. This is an exciting step forward, with Nexus starting construction of the TSRC on and off ramps, and a bridge over the Gore Highway,” Dr McVeigh said.

As part of the project, the Warrego West interchange will be future-proofed and it will involve longer overpass bridges over the west-bound lanes of the Warrego Highway, which will leave room for a possible cloverleaf link between the two roads.

The Warrego West interchange will also transition from dual to single carriageway on the TSRC. There will be two lanes on each direction from the Warrego Highway at Helidon Spa to Charlton, whereas the western extent of the bypass will have one lane in each direction.

Construction on the two interchanges is expected to be completed by the end of 2017.

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Source: Minister for Infrastructure and Transport

Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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