Works begin on NT Manton Dam Return to Service project

Monica Gameng   |   August 3, 2024
Manton Dam (cr: Power and Water Corporation)

Following the award of the $134 million design and construction contract to Exact Contracting Pty Ltd earlier this year, work is now underway on the Manton Dam Return to Service project in the Northern Territory. 

This project supports the Territory Government’s strategic effort to supply safe, reliable, secure water to Territorians now and into the future. 

“The Manton Dam Return to Service has reached a significant milestone with work now underway to secure our water supply into the future. 

“This $134 million project will get Territorians working. My government will continue to invest in projects that create jobs for Territorians. 

“This is an important project to secure sustainable solutions that protect our environment and maintain our great Territory lifestyle,” Chief Minister Eva Lawler said. 

Manton-Dam-Map-return-to-service-site-overview-Manton Dam site overview (source: Power and Water)

The Manton Dam Return to Service project will provide an additional 14 gigalitres of useable water storage capacity as well as make 7,300 gigalitres annually available for productive use. 

In addition, the project will deliver a further 7.3 gigalitres of water supply to the Darwin region each year – equivalent to 2,920 Olympic sized swimming pools. 

The project has three significant work packages, all due to be completed by mid-2026. This includes: 

  • Upgrading the existing dam inlet tower, the construction of a new 20 megalitre/day pump station 
  • The installation of a new pipeline from Manton to Strauss (Stuart Highway/Cox Peninsula Road) 
  • Construction of a new 20 megalitre/day Water treatment Plant at Strauss 

“This project is needed to secure a supply of safe, reliable drinking water for Darwin and Palmerston into the future. 

“The Northern Territory is stronger under the leadership of a Labor Government at home and in Canberra and this project is another example of that,” Federal Member for Solomon Luke Gosling OAM MP said. 

Manton-Dam-Map-return-to-service_location-plan-Manton Dam location plan (source: Power and Water)

This project is a partnership between the Northern Territory and Australian Governments’ National Water Grid, which will see an investment of over $300 million towards the Darwin Region Water Supply Infrastructure Program to help secure a long-term sustainable water supply by 2031. 

The National Water Grid program also includes the Adelaide River Off-Stream Water Storage (AROWS) project. 

“Water is a very important resource and securing our water supply will help the NT build our economy to $40 billion by 2030. 

“The Manton Dam Return to Service project and the AROWS project will play a major role in the Territory’s economic growth over the next 50 years. 

“The Territory Labor Government owns our power and water infrastructure. Because we own it we can make these investments to secure the drinking water and power supply of Territorians,” Minister for Essential Services Kate Worden said. 

Power and Water will also apply additional treatment measures to ensure the water sourced from the dam meets stringent drinking water quality standards. 

Manton Dam will remain a recreational resource and a recreation management plan will be developed in collaboration with the Northern Territory Government and in consultation with Territorians. 

“I applaud the Australian and Lawler Labor Governments’ initiative to return water at Manton Dam to a serviceable level and secure a future supply of safe and reliable drinking water for the Darwin and Palmerston region. 

“This key water security project is critical to meeting Darwin’s productive needs and those of its growing population. I am confident the $300 million committed from the Australian Government’s National Water Grid Fund will deliver necessary infrastructure to meet stringent water quality standards and ensure the Darwin and Palmerston regions’ economic viability well into the future,” Federal Member for Lingiari Marion Scrymgour MP said. 

Source: Northern Territory Government Newsroom; Power and Water; Utility Magazine 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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