Works begin on $131 million Yan Yean Road upgrade in VIC

Monica Gameng   |   December 10, 2017

Early works have commenced on the $131 million Yan Yean Road Upgrade in Victoria, with major construction works to begin in 2018.

“The growth we’ve seen in the north has put enormous pressure on Yan Yean Road – a vital link connecting communities in Plenty, Yarrambat and Doreen and this important upgrade will bring much needed relief to locals.

“We’re making Yan Yean Road safer and cutting travel times for the thousands of people who use it every day so they can get home to their families sooner,” Member for Yan Yean Danielle Green said.

The upgrade will bring a safer and less congested link between Diamond Creek Road and Kurrak Road. Works will include the construction of additional lanes in each direction as well as intersection upgrades at Diamond Creek Road, Kurrak Road, Memorial Drive and River Avenue.

The upgrade will also be providing a continuous centre median along the route in order to prevent head-on crashes as well as straighten the road to improve driver visibility and new service roads will be built to allow residents to safely access their properties.

In addition, new off-road pedestrian and cycling paths will be constructed along the upgraded route.

“We’re adding extra lanes and upgrading key intersections on Yan Yean Road to bust traffic congestion and boost safety for local drivers.

“The Andrews Labor Government is getting on with fixing the roads that people in our growing outer suburbs rely on every day,” Minister for Roads and Road Safety Luke Donnellan said.

Works on Stage One of the project is expected to be completed by mid-2019, with investigations underway to gather information for the scope and design for the second stage of the project.

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Source: Premier of Victoria

Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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