Work begins on VIC O'Herns Road Upgrade Stage 2

Monica Gameng   |   September 19, 2019

Works have commenced on Victoria’s O’Herns Road Upgrade Stage 2 in Epping, following the awarding of the construction contract to VEC Civil Engineering just last month.

“We’re widening roads and improving access to the freeway helping traffic to flow freely,” Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Michael McCormack said.

Stage 2 will involve the duplication of O’Herns Road between Hume Freeway and Redding Rise, with works to include:

  • Construction of an additional lane in each direction between Hume Freeway and Redding Rise
  • Building new traffic light intersections at Edgars Road, Gateway Boulevard and Koukoura Drive
  • Building a new interchange with direct access to the freeway
  • Widening of the bridge over the freeway to improve traffic flow to the new interchange and match the number of lanes between Redding Rise and Epping Road
  • Delivery of a new lane in each direction on the Hume Freeway between O’Herns Road and Cooper Street
  • Delivery of on-road bike lanes on O’Herns Road from Redding Rise

“We promised Victorians that we would be getting on with the job and bust congestion, and this is exactly what we are doing,” Federal Minister for Population, Cities and Urban Infrastructure Alan Tudge said.

OHerns-Stage-1-and-2-map-July2019Source: Major Road Projects Victoria

This upgrade is set to improve connections in Melbourne’s north as well as boost economic and jobs growth in the region.

“This project will help people who live and work here get home sooner and safer, while creating new opportunities for local businesses.

“It’s a huge win for the local community who’ll spend less time stuck in traffic and more time doing the things they love,” Victorian Minister for Transport Infrastructure Jacinta Allan said.

Site preparation works are already underway ahead of major construction activities, which is expected to begin in the coming weeks. The upgrade is due to be completed in mid-2021.

The delivery O’Herns Road Upgrade Stage 2 is overseen by Major Road Projects Victoria.

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Source: Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development; Minister for Population, Cities and Urban Infrastructure; Major Road Projects Victoria

Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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