Major works on the Western Sydney Airport at Badgerys Creek is getting closer to take off, with a major contract award and the announcement of shortlisted bidders for the first bulk earthworks package that will prepare the site for construction.
The Airport Planning Services contract has been awarded to Arup Group, following a competitive procurement stage.
“As Airport Planner, the Arup team will work closely with Western Sydney Airport to develop an overarching plan and functionality design for airside and landside facilities,” Minister for Finance Mathias Cormann said.
Western Sydney Airport Chief Executive Graham Millett expressed that the company is pleased to have Arup as a partner in the delivery of the new airport.
“We’re pleased to have Arup on board as a key partner in planning an airport that will get the most out of emerging digital technology to streamline customer experience.
“We’re planning a 5G network across the Airport site and planning needs to consider opportunities for 5G technologies to improve operations,” Mr Millett said.
According to Minister for Cities, Urban Infrastructure and Population Alan Tudge, early planning for the Western Sydney Airport is vital to unlocking its potential when it comes to generating jobs as well as creating new export opportunities.
Mr Tudge added: “Western Sydney Airport has been projected to support 11,000 jobs during construction and a further 28,000 in the first five years of operation.”
The architectural design for the terminal and other airport buildings is going to be delivered under the Functional Planning contract, which is still to be procured.
In addition to the contract award, three consortium have also been shortlisted for the first bulk earthworks package. The list includes:
CPB Contractors and Lendlease joint venture
Ferrovial Agroman and QH & M Birt joint venture
Initial earthworks have already commenced on site in September of this year, following the award of the early earthworks contract to the joint venture between CPB Contractors and Lendlease.
“The first bulk earthworks contract is to level the northern half of the 1,780-hectare site, which involves moving around 11 million cubic metres of earth,” Mr Tudge said.
The northern half of the airport will include the first 3.7-kilometre runway. A second runway is anticipated to be needed during the 2050s.
The first bulk earthworks contract is expected to be awarded by mid-2019, while other major work packages are set to be progressively released to market as the project progresses.
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Source: Minister for Cities, Urban Infrastructure and Population; CAPA Centre for Aviation; Western Sydney Airport; The Australian
Major construction is one step closer to commencing on the $5.3 billion Western Sydney Airport project, with WSA Co awarding three major contracts - the Early Earthworks, Delivery Partner and Design Management contracts.
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Another major milestone has been marked on the Western Sydney Airport project, with companies now being invited to bid for the first major earthworks contract for the massive $5.3 billion project.
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