West Tamar Hwy duplication in TAS takes a step closer to construction

Monica Gameng   |   November 30, 2022
West Tamar Highway (cr: Wikipedia)

Duplication of the West Tamar Highway near Legana in Tasmania is a step closer to commencing with the concept designs for the project released for public consultation. 

This project is part of the Tasmanian Government’s ongoing efforts to improve safety as well as traffic flow on this vital Tamar Valley route. 

Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Michael Ferguson said in a statement: “This is the first of eight priority projects identified in the West Tamar Corridor Improvement Plan, which was published in February 2022 after extensive community consultation. 

“The duplication project will improve travel times, transport reliability, and safety for all road users, as well as provide safe access to the planned Legana Primary School.” 

west-tamar-highway-duplication-designProject design (source: Transport Services)

The design for the West Tamar Highway duplication will include: 

  • Upgrading intersections at Freshwater Point Road and Acropolis Drive 
  • A new roundabout at Bridgenorth Road 
  • Two new signalised pedestrian crossings 
  • A central median island with safety barrier to separate traffic travelling in opposite directions 
  • A new shared path along the highway for cyclists and pedestrians 
  • On-road bike lanes on both sides of the highway 
  • New bike paths at the Freshwater Point Road, Bridgenorth Road and Acropolis Drive intersections, for road cyclists to use to negotiate the roundabouts 
  • Removal of parking along the road shoulder along the western, odd-numbered, side of the highway between Acropolis Drive and Bridgenorth Road 
  • Changes to parking arrangements outside businesses on the corner of Fulton Street and the West Tamar Highway 

The designs for the West Tamar Highway duplication project are going to be displayed at the West Tamar Council offices and feedback can be provided until 14 December 2022. The design can also be viewed online here. 

Source: Premier of Tasmania – News; Tasmanian Government – Transport Services; Roads & Infrastructure Australia 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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