WA's $10.8m Koombana Bay foreshore transformation given the green light

Monica Gameng   |   April 5, 2017

The Bunbury City Council has given the thumbs-up to the Koombana Bay foreshore transformation project, with Ertech Holdings to deliver the first stage of the $10.8 million development. The project is going to be delivered in three stages.

The Transforming Bunbury’s Waterfront project is a joint effort by the council and South West Development Commission, and is funded through the Western Australian Government’s Royalties For Regions Growing Our South Initiative.

The entire project will involve the construction of a footbridge over The Plug and an amphitheatre as well as upgrade works to the kiosk.

koombana-bay-transformation-map.jpgSource: The West Australian

Key facts about the Koombana Bay revitalisation project include:

  • Access to the beach will be limited during construction and at times it will be fully closed to the public
  • Access to the Dolphin Discovery Centre and Koombana Bay Sailinig Club will be maintained
  • Construction of 100 extra parking bays, taking the total to almost 400
  • Improved traffic access, including left turn only from Anchorage Cove to Koombana Drive
  • A pedestrian bridge over The Plug that links the CBD and Koombana Bay
  • Revamped kiosk and public amenities
  • Improved beach access, including disabled access
  • Amphitheatre and shaded areas
  • Coastal sea wall to address erosion issues
  • Extensive landscaped areas overlooking the beach, including the relocation of car parks closer to Koombana Drive
  • Removal of the old train line
  • Construction of an accessible playground

“It is an exciting time for the Transforming Bunbury’s Waterfront project, with forward works for the Dolphin Discovery Centre redevelopment under way and work on the Koombana Bay foreshore soon to begin.

“In previous years, we’ve seen areas such as Marlston Hill transformed and benefit Bunbury. This is the next step in taking the city forward,” said South West Development Commission Assistant Director Infrastructure Ashley Clements.

Work is set to commence after Easter and is expected to be completed by early December of this year.

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Source: The West Australian, Ertech Holdings and Bunbury Mail

Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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