WA Subi East development progresses with hospital demolition underway

Monica Gameng   |   April 17, 2021
Artist impression of Subi East precinct (cr: DevelopmentWA)

Western Australia's iconic Subi East precinct development is progressing well with major demolition now underway on the Princess Margaret Hospital, which is a key element of the transformative Subiaco project. 

Initial works on site include the removal of small site buildings, delivery of machinery and dust suppression equipment as well as installation of a 65-metre tower crane. 

The first stage of demolition is anticipated to take 12 months to complete, paving the way for the construction of up to 2,000 dwellings. 

“The start of demolition on the former Princess Margaret Hospital site is a major milestone in the Subi East redevelopment project that is set to transform this popular suburb. 

“The Subi East project will create new housing opportunities for local families, while also creating and supporting thousands of local jobs and giving a boost to the local economy,” Premier Mark McGowan said. 

The demolition contract was awarded to local contractor RJ Vincent in September 2020. The contractor was also responsible for the demolition works at Subiaco Oval – which is also part of the Subi East precinct. 


The $227 million Subi East development will include: 

  • Diverse housing across the precinct, catering for families, aged care and affordable options 
  • Bob Hawke College, Perth's new inner-city high school and key anchor of the Subi East development 
  • A ‘green spine’ and green links to unify the precinct and connect it to surrounding areas 
  • Quality recreation and community spaces including reinstatement of the Subiaco Oval playing surface, Mueller Park and smaller connecting areas, intended to be shared by locals and visitors 
  • New east-west and north-south linkages, creating stronger connections between Subiaco, the city and West Leederville 
  • A pedestrian-friendly precinct with people-centred intersections 

“Today marks a major milestone in the delivery of the Subi East project that will create a new gateway to the Perth CBD, building stronger links between WesLeederville, Subiaco and West Perth. 

“Subi East will be an exciting and vibrant place to live, with great access to public transport, public open space at Subiaco Oval and public education at Bob Hawke College,” Planning Minister Rita Saffioti said. 

Subi East is also anticipated to create approximately 2,700 jobs during its construction and up to 660 ongoing jobs over the next ten years. 

“The McGowan Government has a strong history of delivering for Subiaco and will continue to listen to the community on this important project through the community reference group. 

“The Subi East project will help revitalise this popular suburb and encourage more people to live and visit this beautiful area – helping support local business and providing a boost to our local economy,” Nedlands MLA-elect Katrina Stratton said. 

Source: Government of Western Australia – Media Statements; City of SubiacoDevelopmentWA; Build Australia 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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