Another METRONET project is progressing well with the Request for Proposals process commencing for the Byford Rail Extension.
“We’re getting on with the job of delivering METRONET across local communities with seven projects under construction and several more now moving into the procurement phase to create thousands of local jobs and opportunities for local businesses.
“METRONET is supporting the Western Australian economy through COVID-19, and big builds like these, as part of the Building for Tomorrow program, create lasting infrastructure and spur on further developments in our growing communities and town centres,” Premier Mark McGowan said.
These METRONET projects – either under construction or under development – mean jobs for West Australians and a welcome boost to the local economy.
“All along the Morrison Government have said that METRONET will re-shape Perth and that transformation is underway.
“It means jobs right now and critical, targeted infrastructure for generations to come,” Federal Minister for Population, Cities and Urban infrastructure Alan Tudge said.
The concept design for the project will include:
“Works will commence later this year with the removal of the Thomas Road level crossing which will create more than 300 local jobs.
“The extension of the Armadale Line to Byford, along with the planned Tonkin Highway extension to Mundijong, will provide more transport options for residents in Perth’s south-eastern corridor,” Transport Minister Rita Saffioti said.
Project map (source: METRONET)
According to Federal Member for Canning Andrew Hastie, a lot of Byford locals have been looking forward to having the suburb connected via Rail.
“The Byford Rail Extension will change the way people in Byford live and work.
“The community in Byford has waited many years for the construction of this station. We committed to building the station back in 2018, so I’m very excited to see it progressing to the next stage,” Mr Hastie said.
In addition to extending the rail line to Byford, this METRONET project will also get works underway to upgrade the Armadale Train Station.
“These upgrades will improve safety and access while also helping to facilitate the extension of the line to Byford.
“Our local community has been waiting for this project for many years and I’m pleased to see it is full steam ahead for these works,” State Member for Armadale Tony Buti said.
Works to replace the Thomas Road level crossing will commence in November of this year and it is anticipated to support over 330 jobs.
Currently, the concept design for the Byford Rail Extension is progressing and a construction contract is expected to be awarded in mid-2021.
Source: Government of Western Australia – Media Statements; Minister for Population, Cities and Urban Infrastructure; METRONET
An important milestone has been reached on the delivery of the METRONET Thornlie-Cockburn Link in Western Australia, with the successful relocation of about 22 kilometres of freight rail.
The transformation of the Armadale Train Line in Western Australia is forging ahead with demolition works almost complete and major construction activities set to begin.
Works to extend the Armadale Line in Western Australia is making huge progress with all rail infrastructure between Armadale and Byford removed along with the rail bridges over Neerigen Brook and Wungong Brook.
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