Western Australia’s transformational project – the Bunbury Outer Ring Road (BORR) – has secured an additional $400 million funding commitment for its construction, as part of the 2022-23 State Budget.
This new funding takes the total investment in the biggest transport infrastructure project in the South-West to $1.25 billion. Not only will this significant investment from the State and Australian Governments deliver Stages 2 and 3 of the BORR, but it will also provide major economic benefits during the construction and operational phases.
“The Bunbury Outer Ring Road is the biggest transport infrastructure project ever planned or executed for South-West, which is already generating significant local economic and job opportunities.
“This increased investment aligns with the scale and complexity of this massive project and reflects the current market pressures.
“We know this project is going to deliver huge benefits for our economy, with up to 4,500 direct and indirect job opportunities during construction,” Transport Minister Rita Saffioti said.
The additional funding is the result of an independent cost review into the project that was commissioned by the Federal Government.
Key costs for the project – such as the cost of diesel and bitumen supply – are the result of rising supply and demand pressures and the additional investment will help address cost pressures as well as enable local businesses to continue to participate in the project.
The development of the BORR is targeting to spend around $450 million locally as well as a further $30 million worth of opportunities provided for Aboriginal businesses.
“This project recognises the significance of delivering vital infrastructure to provide a safer and more efficient road system for the South-West region of WA.
“It is important that money spent on our region with BORR stays in our region to provide further opportunities for the community and the $450 million targeted local spend is exciting for our local industry,” Collie-Preston MLA Jodie Hanns said.
BORR is being delivered in three sections, namely:
Project alignment (source: Main Roads WA)
The northern section extends from Forrest Highway in the north near Australind, to the northern end of the BORR project’s first stage. Works include:
On the other hand, the Southern Section – which is still subject to environmental approvals – will extend from the southern end of the BORR project’s first stage, to Bussell Highway south of Bunbury. Works will include:
With this, the interchanges at Discovery Road and Lillydale Road are going to be built using an at-grade intersection and roundabout respectively while the existing corridor in the central section is going to be retained.
“The investment into BORR will improve safety and access for our community.
“Economic infrastructure like this supports regional communities through local jobs and opportunities for local businesses,” Murray-Wellington MLA Robyn Clarke said.
Once completed, the BORR will help improve access to Bunbury Port as well as existing and proposed industrial areas east of Bunbury by providing a new free-flowing, rural freeway-standard road.
Source: Government of Western Australia – Media Statements; Main Roads Western Australia; ABC News; Infrastructure Magazine
Construction on the $86 million Roe Highway and Kalamunda Road interchange upgrade in Western Australia is now underway and the project is set to significantly improve safety on this stretch of road for the almost 60,000 motorists passing through it daily.
Works are now underway on the jointly funded Marble Bar Road upgrade in Western Australia’s Pilbara region.
A series of upgrade works are now underway to transform Thomas Road in the south eastern suburbs of Perth. In addition, the Australian and Western Australian Governments are allocating more than $100 million for these upgrades that will improve safety and efficiency.
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