WA Budget invests billions in road, rail, port & transport projects & initiatives

Monica Gameng   |   May 17, 2024
WA level crossing (cr: METRONET)

Through the 2024-25 State Budget, the Western Australian Government is investing billions of dollars over the next four years to deliver vital road, rail, port and transport projects and initiatives. 

Not only will these projects create jobs, but they will also provide a significant boost to the economy and drive down cost of living for households. 

A total of $11.8 billion has been allocated for new road, rail and transport infrastructure projects across the State. This is part of the State Government’s overall $42.4 billion investment in new infrastructure across Western Australia. 

“My Government is investing in transport infrastructure to set up our State for decades to come, and this Budget continues our strong track record of delivering for our future. 

“Through METRONET, we’re transforming Perth’s suburbs, slashing congestion and creating jobs in the community. 

“Right across WA we’re investing in our road network, including billions of dollars for major regional road projects and upgrades, improving road safety and cutting travel times for regional Western Australians,” Premier Roger Cook said. 

The 2024-25 State Budget will also allocate $4.8 billion over the next four years towards the transformative METRONET program, supported by $2.9 billion from the Commonwealth Government. This funding includes an additional $254 million in State Government investment for the METRONET infrastructure program. 

The METRONET program is already seeing significant progress with the Yanchep Rail Extension to begin operations in July of this year; the historic Morley-Ellenbrook Line on-track to be completed by the end of 2024; and three major rail projects – the Victoria Park-Canning Level Crossing Removal, Byford Rail Extension and Thornlie-Cockburn Link – expected to be completed in 2025. 

In addition, the program has also seen 15 level crossings across Perth removed. 

The METRONET program funding is part of a $13.8 billion in port, road, rail and transport infrastructure, which also includes: 

  • $373 million investment in port facilities across the State, including delivery of the Dampier Bulk Handling Facility, plus upgrades to maintain capacity and resilience of infrastructure 
  • $116 million for Westport, including for early marine, civil and road works to transition container trade from Fremantle to Kwinana, unlocking future trade opportunities and economic capacity 
  • $240 million for key freight routes including the Brooking Channel Bridge, Bunbury Outer Ring Road, Albany Ring Road, and improvements to Great Northern Highway in the Kimberley and the Pilbara 
  • $65 million to extend the Regional Airfare Zone Cap scheme, which has so far delivered more than a quarter of a million capped airfares for regional residents 
  • $38 million to replace the Congdon Street Bridge in Swanbourne, which will increase safety and capacity for pedestrians and cyclists 
  • $19 million to revamp Jetty One at Barrack Square, improving the tourism precinct and supporting charter operations on the Swan River 
  • $29 million for upgrades to airstrips in regional centres and Aboriginal remote communities 
  • $10 million to permanently expand routes for the Red and Blue CAT Buses 
  • $10 million to expand school zone speed limits to all warden-controlled crossings 
  • $5.2 million to expand the Zero Emission Vehicle Rebate scheme 
  • $2 million to plan for an expansion of Swan River ferry services using locally built ferries 

This also includes $4.5 billion for projects in regional Western Australia as well as additional funding to address unavoidable cost increases for labour, equipment and key materials. 

“Our Government is absolutely focused on ensuring we deliver a better transport system for the WA community, with significant investment across regional Western Australia and in Perth over the next four years. 

“The strong investment in this State Budget will see a significant number of major projects delivered over the next 12 to 18 months – including the Morley-Ellenbrook Line, Yanchep Rail Extension, Thornlie-Cockburn Link and upgrades to the Armadale Line. 

“All up, we will see 17 new train stations delivered, more than 61 kilometres of new track and more than six hectares of new public open space – fundamentally transforming our rail network and many parts of Perth. 

“Not only will these projects connect thousands of people to our rail network for the first time, but they will also help families with cost of living pressures by providing better access to our two-zone fare cap scheme, which allows a person to travel anywhere on our public transport network for no more than about five dollars. 

“The Budget will continue our strong investment on the regional road network, with major projects like the Albany Ring Road, Bunbury Outer Ring Road and Bussell Highway Duplication all on track for completion in the next 12 months,” Transport Minister Rita Saffioti said. 

Funding will also continue to flow in the Regional Road Safety Program, which is the State’s biggest road safety initiative ever undertaken. This program is delivering low-cost safety treatments such as sealed shoulders and audible edge lines to Western Australia’s entire regional road network. 

Almost $1 billion has been invested in the Regional Road Safety Program to date, delivering upgrades to around 8,500 kilometres of the State’s regional road network. This number is anticipated to grow to about 9,000 kilometres by the end of the 2024-25 financial year. 

A total of $125 million has also been allocated for a range of transport initiatives that will help drive down the cost of living, including: 

  • $21 million for school students to access free public transport 
  • $20 million for free public transport for all SmartRider holders during the January 2024 Summer period and on Sundays 
  • $20.3 million to increase the Regional Pensioner Travel Card by $100 (from $574 to $675), to further assist eligible pensioners in the regions with the cost of fuel and/or taxi travel 

“The significant allocation of funding for transport infrastructure and initiatives in the 2024-25 State Budget highlights the Cook Government’s commitment to providing Western Australians with world-class transport network across road, rail and ferry services. 

“The $18.7 million revamp of Jetty One at Barrack Square will breathe new life into the precinct, supporting improvements to tourism and charter operations on the Swan River. 

“The investment of a further $5.2 million in the Government’s Zero Emissions Vehicle (ZEV) Rebate scheme will help make electric vehicle ownership more affordable for more Western Australians. 

“Since the announcement of the ZEV rebate in 2022, electric vehicle sales in WA have grown significantly with an almost fourfold increase since June 2022. 

“Having so many people buy electric vehicles is a step in the right direction as we pursue our goal to reach net zero emissions by 2050,” Minister Assisting the Transport Minister David Michael said. 

Source: Government of Western Australia – Media Statements; Western Australia State Budget 2024-25; Roads & Infrastructure Australia 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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