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WA $93m Leach Highway-Welshpool Road interchange upgrade to support 400 jobs

Written by Monica Gameng | Jul 6, 2019 2:00:00 PM

Western Australia’s $93 million Leach Highway and Welshpool Road interchange upgrade project is progressing well towards construction, with planning works and consultation now underway.

“This is a notorious intersection and local road users will be well aware of the congestion during peak times. These upgrades are long overdue and will make a huge difference to those who use these roads on a regular basis,” Premier Mark McGowan said.

This multi-million project is anticipated to support up to 400 jobs and its initial scope of works will include:

  • Delivery of a grade separated interchange at Leach Highway and Welshpool Road with Leach highway travelling over Welshpool Road
  • Construction of a new road bridge for Leach Highway over the Armadale/Thornlie rail line

“Leach Highway is an important east-west freight link connecting the Fremantle area with the Kewdale/Welshpool industrial area.

“Building a grade separated interchange will reduce congestion, and deliver more consistent and reduced journey times for people in my electorate,” Belmont MLA Cassie Rowe said.

Source: Main Roads WA

This intersection is the State’s second-worst intersection for crashes and it is also known as Perth’s 7th most congested intersections, with over 50,000 vehicles passing through each day.

Construction to upgrade the intersection is anticipated to commence in 2021 once extensive planning and project scope development is completed and all necessary approvals have been granted.

“The project will ensure our existing transport infrastructure is optimised to connect people to jobs and goods to markets, unlocking opportunities for economic development.

“Planning and development work and stakeholder consultation is now underway to inform the approvals process, allowing construction to begin as soon as possible,” Transport Minister Rita Saffioti said.

The State Government has allocated $46.5 million through the 2019-20 State Budget’s $1.7 billion investment to deliver projects that will improve road conditions in Perth’s eastern region and on the Tonkin Highway.

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Source: Government of Western Australia; Main Roads WA