The Victorian Government is putting forward a significant amount from the Victorian Budget 2021/22 to help build a safer, more reliable as well as better-connected transport system for the State while supporting thousands of local jobs.
The State Budget 2021/22 will include a significant $1.5 billion investment in rolling stock to make commuting more comfortable and reliable.
$986 million of this investment will be funding the design, construction and maintenance of 25 brand new X’Trapolis 2.0 trains and an upgrade to the Craigieburn Train Maintenance Facility.
The new X’Trapolis 2.0 trains are going to be designed and manufactured mostly in-state and major works will be completed in Ballarat, supporting local supply chains that includes 750 local jobs.
The previous year's Budget included $1.4 billion to deliver 100 new modern, accessible trams which will replace the old A and Z class trans progressively. This more than a billion-dollar investment will also deliver a new maintenance facility. These projects support approximately 1,900 local manufacturing and supply chain jobs at its peak.
An additional $367.5 million funding will build enabling infrastructure for the Next Generation Trams that includes a dedicated tram maintenance facility. The new modern trams will begin rolling out on the network by 2025.
“No matter where you live or why you travel, we're building a transport system that works for all Victorians – and gets more Victorians back to work.
“We're not just upgrading road and rail – these investments deliver a ‘double benefit’ – creating thousands of jobs and supporting local businesses to boost our state's economy when it needs it most.
“Our investments in a better transport network are delivering on the benefits of our massive Big Build – with the infrastructure in place, we can deliver more services, more often, to more Victorians,” Minister for Public Transport, Roads and Road Safety Ben Carroll said.
On the other hand, a $158.6 million investment will be delivering maintenance works to prolong the life of the State's older rolling stock to keep them providing reliable services to Victoria's busiest routes along with supporting 100 jobs.
The State Government will also be putting forward $613.1 million to support the delivery of better transport connections for Victorians. This significant funding will cover maintenance works as well as upgrades to communications systems to increase reliability, provide a world-class rail system for regional communities and allow freight to move more efficiently.
Accessibility across Victoria's public transport network will be improved with a $25.4 million investment boost. This includes $7.6 million to upgrade approximately 1,200 Melbourne tram stops with braille plates and tactile ground markings, improved lighting, weather protection and road markings at 40 priority stops.
The Victorian Budget 2021/22 will also reform the State's bus network through a $74.3 million funding. This investment will also ensure the continuity of vital passenger and school bus services as well as the delivery of new services to growing regions if necessary – including in Clyde and Tarneit.
To help prevent deaths or major traffic incidents on Victorian roads, the State Government is investing $385.8 million to implement initial actions to reduce road trauma through the Victorian Road Safety Strategy 2021 – 2030.
The initiatives will involve research and development of new technologies, installation of additional cameras and a continued roll-out of safety infrastructures such as road safety barriers and signage.
A $41.1 million funding from the Budget will be invested on the vital School Crossing Supervisor Program to keep kids safe around schools across Victoria.
Safer intersections will also be delivered through a $62 million package of works to upgrade local roads throughout the State. Several road and rail bridges will also be upgraded with a $32.4 million investment.
The Ballarat Station Precinct will also benefit from a $10.5 million investment through the Victorian Budget 2021/22 and this investment will safely reopen the Lydiard Street level crossing with a modernised crossing that “remains respectful of the precinct's significant heritage”.
Source: Premier of Victoria – Media Centre; Victorian Budget 21/22; Victorian State Government – Department of Transport; Railway Technology
Through the 2020/21 Victorian Budget, the State Government is investing billions of dollars to build road and rail projects across Victoria to help drive the local economy towards recovery from the recent pandemic as well as create thousands of jobs.
About nine daily return services and faster journeys will be delivered for commuters in Shepparton, Victoria as works on Stage 3 of the Shepparton Line Upgrade are scheduled to kick-off next month.
The second post on our 2018-19 Federal Budget series featured the key transport infrastructure projects for the State of New South Wales. On this third 2018-19 Budget post, we will tackle the key Victorian transport infrastructure projects.
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