VIC Suburban Rail Loop secures $2.2bn funding to kickstart works

Monica Gameng   |   November 18, 2020
Artist impression of Suburban Rail Loop (cr: Suburban Rail Loop)

The massive Suburban Rail Loop development in Victoria has secured a $2.2 billion funding boost that will push the State’s largest rail project towards construction and aid in Victoria’s recovery from the pandemic. 

The $2.2 billion funding will get initial and early works started on Stage 1 of the Suburban Rail Loop, which will run between Cheltenham and Box Hill. The entire project will gradually link every major train line between Frankston and Werribee via Melbourne Airport. 

“This is the biggest infrastructure project in Victoria’s history, and it will play a big role in getting our state back on track. Delivering a world-class public transport system – and creating tens of thousands of jobs for Victorians. 

“This investment will pave the way for major construction on the Suburban Rail Loop. We promised to deliver this project and we’re delivering on that promise,” Premier Daniel Andrews said. 

SRL_MASTER Template_Full Map_v4_WEBSITEProposed Suburban Rail Loop alignment map (source: Suburban Rail Loop)

Works are due to commence in 2022 and are expected to create up to 800 direct jobs. The works will also include the establishment of launch sites for tunnel boring machines in Melbourne’s south east. 

This new funding allocation will cover the purchase of land, road and power supply upgrades, construction of a new sub-station, relocation and protection of gas, water and other utilities as well as the delivery of vital works in preparation for major construction activities. 

A pre-qualification will now be launched prior to the commencing of Expressions of Interest (EOI) for Stage 1 initial and early works later this year. 

“Only the Andrews Labor Government will deliver the Suburban Rail Loop and transform our public transport system, connecting Victorians to work, to study, to healthcareand most importantly, to each other. 

“Victorians could not have been clearer about Suburban Rail Loop – they want us to get on and deliver the biggest rail project in our state’s history and we’re not wasting a moment,” Minister for the Suburban Rail Loop Jacinta Allan said. 

In addition to the funding boost, the proposed locations for the six new train stations included in the project have been revealed. 

The new line will begin near Southland, underneath Sir William Fry Reserve, with other stations located next to Monash and Deakin universities – central to the Box Hill and Glen Waverley activity centres – and north of Carinish Road in Clayton where a transport super-hub will link regional commuters to the loop. 

The station locations, together with a refined alignment of the rail corridor between Cheltenham and Box Hill, have been determined after an 18-month intensive project development and design, site investigations and engineering assessments, and consultations with the community and local stakeholders. 

SRL Stage One rail tunnel alignment and proposed underground stationsStage 1 alignment map and proposed station locations (source: Suburban Rail Loop)

Approximately 300 boreholes have been drilled as part of geotechnical investigations and the proposed station locations will now be subject to a concentrated ground testing program to help determine the exact underground station footprints and entrances. 

Landowners as well as tenants of about 300 homes and businesses have already been notified that their respective properties are in an area that could be impacted by the project. The landowners and tenants will be kept informed of possible impacts as plans for the stations progress and specific locations are confirmed. 

The Suburban Rail Loop is anticipated to create up to 20,000 jobs during construction and kickstart the careers of about 2,000 apprentices, trainees and cadets. 

In last year’s Budget, $300 million was allocated to project planning and this delivered significant progress to the project design and development. The funding allocation has also enabled engineering, rolling stock and precinct assessments as well as community and stakeholder consultation initiatives. 

The Investment Case for the Suburban Rail Loop is due to be completed in early 2021. 

Victorians play a vital part in the project’s development and delivery, and are encouraged to have their say on the project. 

The Suburban Rail Loop is a 90-kilometre rail network that will link every major rail line from the Frankston Line to the Werribee Line, via the airport, which will better connect Victorians to jobs, retail, health services, education and each other. 

Super hubs located at Clayton, Broadmeadows and Sunshine will connect regional services to Suburban Rail Loop, allowing commuters outside Melbourne to get where they need to be without travelling through the CBD. 

Source: Premier of Victoria – Media centre; Suburban Rail Loop (1, 2); Inside Construction; The Urban Developer 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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