Two major construction contracts awarded for METRONET projects

Monica Gameng   |   August 20, 2022
METRONET level crossing (cr: METRONET)

Transformation of the 129-year-old Armadale Line in Western Australia is a step closer to commencing as two major contracts are awarded for the METRONET Byford Rail Extension and Victoria Park-Canning Level Crossing Removal projects. 

The $625 million design and build contract for the next stage of the Byford Rail Extension has been awarded to MetCONNX Alliance. This project, once completed, will provide better connections for one of the fastest growing areas in the country – Serpentine Jarrahdale. 

The MetCONNX Alliance is comprised of Laing O’Rourke, Pritchard Francis Consulting and Kellogg Brown & Root. 


The Byford Rail Extension project will include: 

  • A new ground-level Byford Station with around 400 parking bays, a bus interchange, and pedestrian connections 
  • Elevated rail through Armadale, with a new elevated Armadale Station 
  • Removal of eight level crossings at Armadale Road, Forrest Road, Church Avenue, Seventh Road (pedestrian level crossing), Byron Road, Eleventh Road, Thomas Road and Larsen Road – with works already underway on the Thomas Road project 

On the other hand, the $701 million contract to deliver the Victoria Park-Canning Level Crossing Removal project has been awarded to the Armadale Line Upgrade Alliance – comprised of Acciona Construction, BMD Constructions, WSP and AECOM. 

The level crossing removal project will involve: 

  • Replacing five level crossings at Mint Street, Oats Street, Welshpool Road, Hamilton Street and Wharf Street with elevated rail 
  • Four new elevated stations at Carlisle, Oats Street, Queens Park and Cannington 
  • Creation of around six hectares of versatile public space and better community connections through elevated rail 


This project will also include the removal of the William Street level crossing and the construction of an elevated Beckham Station. An additional $175 million was invested by the Australian and Western Australian Governments in the added works, which will be integrated into the scope of the contract once planning is completed. 

The METRONET projects are anticipated to create more than 8,500 local jobs along with the delivery of Perth’s first major elevated rail that will run through sections of Victoria Park, Canning and Armadale, permanently removing about 14 level crossings along the Armadale Line. 

“Our Government is partnering with the McGowan Government to deliver billions of dollars of upgrades and improvements to road and rail project around Western Australia, creating and supporting thousands of local jobs,” Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said. 

“METRONET is providing the infrastructure our suburbs need, reducing congestion on our roads and delivering thousands of jobs right across Perth,” WA Premier Mark McGowan said. 

An 18-month planned shutdown of the Armadale Line will now commence in late 2023 to allow for the integration of the additional works to remove the William Street level crossing. 

Postponing the shutdown of the Armadale Line is necessary considering the workforce and supply chain conditions in Western Australia’s economy, and it will also give more time to prepare for the added scope of works to the level crossing removal project. 

With the recent changes, the METRONET Byford Rail Extension as well as Thornlie-Cockburn Link are due to open in 2025 once the new elevated Armadale Line is operational. 

However, commuters are assured that the changes will only impact one AFL football season and avoid major events including the 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup. 

Source: Government of Western Australia – Media Statements; METRONET; Roads & Infrastructure Australia 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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