Top 16 plant and equipment Instagram posts of 2016 so far...

Gina Theron   |   April 4, 2016

In the last two months, we've published over 40 posts on PlantMiner's Instagram about plant and equipment on job sites across Australia, and had thousands of views. Here are the posts voted most popular by the plant hire and greater construction community! Some are staff favourites and others have been sent in by our suppliers! 



image2__-1.pngOne of our suppliers, with their excavator onsite in Peakhurst, NSW


Solution Plant Hire's excavator onsite in Sydney

image5__.png#excavator image12.pngBrad Cattlin & Sons Earthmoving digging dirt onsite in Romsey, Victoria
image22.pngStriker Australia onsite in Malaysia with a HQR1112 Striker track mounted impactor image32-1.png13T rubber tracked excavator onsite in Sydney, supplied by Orange Hire

Jtez1.pngHeavy Equipment working at Monash university, Caulfield supplied by Delta Rent

image52-1.pngAustand Holdings completing basement excavation in Richmond, Victoria

image62.pngL.M. Best Construction hires an excavator through Rock Civil image23.pngExcavator supplied by Absolute Contracting onsite in Brighton-Le-Sands, NSW
image33.pngExcavator onsite in Epping  image43-1.pngStarbuck & sons working hard on a Melbcon job they won through PlantMiner

image63.pngStarbuck & Sons on an excavation job in Victoria which they won through PlantMiner image_13-1.pngCranes lining the sky in Brisbane, Qld

If you'd like your project, plant, equipment or subcontractors to feature on our Instagram, send through your photos to We'd love to see what you're up to! If you're looking to ramp up your company's own social efforts, check out this free guide on how you can use Social Media as a tool for your business. 

Gina Theron
Gina is a Marketing Coordinator at Felix. She is a business and engineering student, and relishes working for one of Australia's greatest mining and construction disrupters. Harsh critic of tomatoes and spiders that surprise her.

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