Three shortlisted builders announced for Sydney Metro West project

Monica Gameng   |   September 8, 2020

The New South Wales Government has shortlisted three consortia for the delivery of the first two tunnelling packages for the Sydney Metro West development, taking the project one step closer to construction. 

The Sydney Metro West – from Greater Parramatta to the CBD – is anticipated to create over 10,000 direct new jobs as well as 70,000 indirect jobs, and the tunnelling contracts will generate a significant number of these jobs. 

THese contracts will require tunnellers, electricians, plumbers, carpenters, concrete workers, truck drivers, labourers and security guards. 

“The three shortlisted consortia have a wealth of Australian and international experience in delivering high wuality infrastructure projects. We expect to be in a position to award the first contract by the middle of next year,” Minister for Transport Andrew Constance said. 

Tunnelling and excavation works for this massive city-shaping project have been separated into geographically-specific contract packages between Westmead and the Sydney CBD. 

The three consortia shortlisted for the two major tunnelling packages include: 

These consortia will first participate in the Central Tunnelling Package and the winning tenderer will be awarded a contract to deliver 11 kilometres of twin tunnels from The Bays to Sydney Olympic Park. 

The two remaining tenderers will continue bidding for the Western Tunnelling Package and the successful tenderer will be awarded the contract to build 9 kilometres of twin tunnels from Westmead to Sydney Olympic Park. 

The consortia that will win the Central Tunnelling Package will not be included to tender for the Western Tunnelling Package in order to drive greater competition in the delivery of Australian tunnelling infrastructure. 

The Sydney Metro West development will double the rail capacity between Greater Parramatta and the Sydney CBD, which will help transform Sydney for future generations. 

The once-in-a-century transport infrastructure project aims to have a travel time of about 20 minutes between Parramatta and the Sydney CBD and will connect new communities to rail services as well as support employment growth and housing supply. 

Sydney Metro West features include: 

  • Faster, more frequent access to major employment and education centres like Parramatta, Sydney Olympic Park and The Bays 
  • A new metro station at Westmead – one of Australia’s largest health and education precincts 
  • Delivering new rail services for the first time at Burwood North, Five Dock and The Bays 
  • A new metro station at Sydney Olympic Park – Sydney's sporting and entertainment super-precinct 
  • Integrated with the rest of Sydney’s public transport system 
  • Fully accessible with lifts and level access between trains and platforms 
  • Next generation fully air-conditioned metro trains 
  • All Sydney Metro infrastructure like the stations, trains and railway tracks are owned by the NSW Government 
  • Sydney Metro used Opal ticketing and fares are set by the NSW Government 

Planning process for the Sydney Metro West development is progressing and Sydney Metro is currently addressing feedback from the community as part of the project’s first Environmental Impact Statement. 

Works on this massive project is anticipated to commence in The Bays later this year, subject to planning approval. The first of four mega tunnel boring machines is expected to break ground by the end of 2022.

Source: Transport for NSW; Sydney Metro (1, 2

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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