Thousands of jobs to be created as Olive Downs mine opens

Monica Gameng   |   April 28, 2024
Olive Downs Project (cr: Pembroke Resources)

A significant jobs and economy boost in Central Queensland is anticipated as Pembroke Resources’ Olive Downs Coking Coal Complex officially opens. 

The Olive Downs mine will produce high quality steelmaking coal and this mining operation has the potential to generate over $10 billion for the State economy. 

“We’re thrilled to have achieved this significant milestone at the world’s newest steelmaking coal mine. 

“Our strategy remains centred on collaborating with stakeholders to establish sustainable and lasting economic prospects by generating jobs, economic diversification, and providing direct support to the community, all while showcasing a fresh approach to environmental standards,” Pembroke Resources Chairman and CEO Barry Tudor said. 

The mine is located in the metallurgical coal-rich Bowen Basin, about 40 kilometres south-east of Moranbah. The complex includes a coal handling and preparation plant, rail spur, train load-out facility, coal conveyor, stockpiles, electrical transmission lines, water pipeline and access roads. 

The construction phase of the Olive Downs project saw more than 700 people employed. Now that the coal mine is operational, it is expected to support 960 new jobs at peak production period and increase to about 1,300 jobs over its 80-year mine life. 

The Olive Downs Coking Coal Project was the first to be assessed under the Strong and Sustainable Resource Communities Act. 

“The Bowen Basin is the engine room of Queensland’s resources sector, supporting 44,000 people in jobs along the supply chain. 

“This mine has already created more than 700 jobs during the construction phase and in the next decade will employ an expected 1,000 people. 

“The flow-on effects of the Bowen Basin and communities like Moranbah are immense. 

“The global demand for Queensland’s steel-making coal will continue growing over the coming decade, because steel is essential for the global transition to clean energy; to make solar power panels, electric cars and wind turbines,” Resources and Critical Minerals Minister Scott Stewart said. 

Source: Queensland Government – Media Statements; Pembroke Resources; Australian Mining; Queensland Government – State Development and Infrastructure 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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