Thiess secures mining services contract for Anthill Copper Mine in QLD

Monica Gameng   |   October 11, 2021
Anthill Copper Project (cr: Thiess)

Thiess – a CIMIC Group company – has been chosen as the preferred mining services contractor at Austral Resources’ Anthill Copper Project in Queensland. 

The two companies will now begin negotiations to finalise the terms of the three-year contract. 

“Thiess has a long history operating in the Mount Isa region dating back to early 1960s, and we’re very pleased to be back. With our selection as preferred contractor, Austral Resources has recognised our team’s specialist mining capability and our flexible approach to meet the needs of their mine. 

“This project is very important to Thiess as we continue to diversify our business across commodities, mining regions and services. We are positioned well to support Austral Resources and the local community, with the right equipment, technical capability and operations team,” Thiess CEO and Executive Chairman Michael Wright said. 

Thiess’ scope of works for this contract will include operating and maintaining two mining fleets as well as undertaking mining services that will support copper production requirements at the mine. 

The Anthill Copper Project is located within the Lady Annie Project, about 80 kilometres northwest of Mount Isa and approximately 45 kilometres from the Mount Kelly processing facility. 

Austral Resources is anticipating a production rate of 1,000 tonnes of copper cathode a month by mid-2022, which is part of the company’s bigger goal to produce 40,000 tonnes of copper cathode over a four-year period. 

Source: CIMIC Group; Thiess; Austral Resources; Australian Mining; Mining Technology 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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