Tenders to build $40m Hervey Bay Hospital expansion now out to market

Monica Gameng   |   November 19, 2023
Hervey Bay Hospital (cr: Ranbury)

Tenders are now out to market for the delivery of the $40 million Hervey Bay Hospital Expansion Project in Queensland. 

This hospital expansion will deliver an additional 35 patient beds, with about 10 of these beds dedicated to intensive care. 

Key features of the Hervey Bay Hospital expansion include: 

  • A new 25-bed medical inpatient unit, including four critical care unit beds 
  • A new 10-bed intensive care unit (ICU) to replace the existing seven-bed ICU 
  • The construction of a rooftop helipad to replace the existing at-grade helipad 

“The Palaszczuk Government is delivering the services our growing community needs. 

“The $40 million expansion of Hervey Bay Hospital will ensure that even more patients on the Fraser Coast receive the high-quality care they expect and deserve. 

“This is such a terrific milestone for our entire community,” Member for Hervey Bay Adrian Tantari said. 

The expansion project will involve fitting out of vacant “shell space” on the second level of the Emergency Department building to accommodate the new 35 beds as well as shared staff areas. 

Not only will this expansion enhance the capacity of the hospital, but it will also help improve access to critical medical services for both residents and visitors. 

“The foresight of incorporating an entire second level for future services during the design of the ED building has paved the way for this expansion, ensuring flexibility and adaptability as healthcare needs evolve. 

“Detailed design activities for the project were completed in April 2022 after extensive consultation with WBHHS staff and multiple project user group sessions. 

“This collaborative approach ensures that the expansion aligns with the needs and expectations of the local healthcare community,” Wide Bay Hospital and Health Service (WBHHS) Chief Executive Debbie Carroll said. 

This project builds on the successful completion of the $44.66 million Hervey Bay Hospital Emergency Department (ED) project back in 2019 that substantially increased the hospital’s emergency capacity. 

The $40 million Hervey Bay Hospital Expansion Project is being delivered under the Queensland Government’s $9.78 billion Health Big Build that will also deliver three new hospitals along with 11 hospital expansions and more than 3,300 new beds to communities across the State. 

“Our massive $9.78 billion Health Big Build is delivering new hospitals and thousands of new hospital beds right across Queensland, including Wide Bay. 

“We know that more and more people are moving to the Fraser Coast, and these investments will ensure the community has access to the health services they need for decades to come. 

“It will also bring a range of services closer to home for the community, reducing their need to travel. 

“I am proud to be part of a government that is committed to delivering world-class healthcare for Queenslanders, no matter where they live,” Minister for Health, Mental Health, and Ambulance Services Shannon Fentiman said. 

Source: Queensland Government – Media Statement; Queensland Health 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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