Tenders to be released for construction of $220m New Dubbo Bridge NSW

Monica Gameng   |   April 12, 2022
New Dubbo Bridge artist impression (cr: Transport for NSW)

A new bridge over the Macquarie River in Dubbo, New South Wales is closer to beginning construction as the $220 million project prepares to call tenders for the lead construction contractor. 

Tenders will be released on 28th April 2022 and will remain open for submission of proposals for eight weeks. 

The successful tenderer is anticipated to be announced by the end of this year and works to commence at the beginning of 2023. 

“We are building the infrastructure that will make our nation as strong as possible as quickly as possible. 

“This new bridge over the Macquarie River in Dubbo will keep commuters and freight moving, ensuring the valuable commodities that earn Australia money continue flowing to ports and overseas markets,” Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Barnaby Joyce said. 

The New Dubbo Bridge project is jointly funded by the Australian and New South Wales Government, with the former committing $176.2 million. 

This project on the Newell Highway will include: 

  • A new 660-metre bridge that will connect the western side of the Macquarie River to River Street, travelling over the flood plain west of the river 
  • New and upgraded intersections art Thompson Street, Whylandra Street, and the Newell Highway 
  • Realigning the Newell Highway with new separated lanes north of Whylandra Street 
  • Upgrading the intersection at Bourke Street and River Street 

“The New Dubbo Bridge will improve travel efficiency along the Newell Highway, reduce traffic congestion for local and commuter traffic and improve access across the Macquarie River during flood events. 

“The construction phase will help build a stronger region by injecting millions of dollars in economic activity into Dubbo and support an estimated 290 direct and 1,200 indirect jobs,” Federal Member for Parkes Mark Coulton said. 


Next month, a mandatory pre-tender meeting is going to be held for all prospective pre-qualified tenderers at the Western Plains Cultural Centre in Dubbo, including a site inspection. 

An information session will then follow for local contractors and suppliers to meet the prospective tenderers. 

“We are committed to building safer, more efficient and reliable journeys for those travelling in, around and through Dubbo, and better connecting communities in the Central West,” Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Sam Farraway said. 

“This project will provide significant economic opportunities for the western region of NSW and will ensure the local community benefits,” Member for Dubbo Electorate Dugald Saunders said. 

Once completed, the new bridge will help ease congestion as well as reduce travel times while, at the same time, providing better connections for freight moving through the Central West. 

The New Dubbo Bridge is going to be delivered in stages to minimise disruption to the community in Dubbo and the traffic on the Newell Highway. 

Local businesses and suppliers who are interested in getting involved in the delivery of the project can register through the Industry Capability Network Gateway here. 

On the other hand, all applicants who download the tender documents will be automatically registered for the pre-tender meeting. For companies who are not able to download the documents but wish to attend the pre-tender meeting can register by emailing NDB@transport.nsw.gov.au. 

Source: Transport for NSW (1, 2, 3); Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development; Roads & Infrastructure Australia 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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