Tenders to deliver the $460 million Logan Hospital Expansion in Queensland has been released to market, progressing the vital project towards construction.
An Invitation to Offer (ITO) for both the hospital expansion and maternity upgrade have been given to shortlisted tenderers following an open market expression of interest process which was finalised last month.
“The Logan community is growing rapidly, and the Queensland Government is supporting this growth through a major investment in health infrastructure.
“This is one of Queensland’s largest ever hospital expansions and will ensure that locals receive the best care, close to home,” Member for Waterford Shannon Fentiman said.
The Logan Hospital Expansion will deliver an additional 206 beds and treatment spaces; an upgraded maternity and birthing service also known as Logan Maternity; upgraded services across the hospital; and a new multi-level carpark.
“The project will deliver six additional maternity inpatient beds, five extra birthing suites, and an expanded special care nursery.
“The community have also told us they want access to water birthing, so I’m thrilled we’re providing this option, and for the first time there’ll be facilities for partners to stay overnight, which is great for local families,” Treasurer and Minister for Infrastructure Cameron Dick said.
Artist impression (source: Metro South Health)
One of the hospital’s main buildings is also going to be vertically expanded with four new storeys and the open-air ground level to be built in. This will increase the hospital’s capacity by about 50 per cent.
“As well as the boost to healthcare services, the scale of the project meant there would be significant employment opportunities for local tradies and subcontractors, and into the future, more healthcare workers.
“The Queensland Government is focused on getting people back to work as part of the economic recovery from COVID-19, and this major project will support that through local jobs,” Member for Logan Linus Power said.
In addition to upgraded facilities and services, this project is also expected to create up to 1,000 jobs during its construction phase.
Detailed design for this major Logan Hospital expansion is already underway and a series of infrastructure upgrades are going to be delivered over the rest of the year.
Major construction on the entire expansion is anticipated to commence in 2021, while works on the maternity upgrade project will begin in September of this year.
“This upgrade will deliver modern facilities our community deserves, to ensure families in our growing region have the best possible care available to them, closer to home,” Member for Macalister Melissa McMahon said.
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Source: Queensland Government; Metro South Health (1, 2); The Urban Developer; Inside Construction
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