Tenders open for $11.2 Main South Road upgrade in SA

Kerri McGrath   |   September 7, 2016

Tender submissions are now open for the $11.2m upgrade to Main South Road, Aldinga SA. 

The upgrade is being funded by the Motor Accident Commission in response to the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure's Road Management Plan, which identified several opportunities for enhanced road safety.

Works will improve the traffic flow and safety of the section between Old Coach Road and Malpas Road, which sees nearly 18,000 cars per day, in a bid to reduce the number and severity of accidents. 

Safety upgrades include:

  • a roundabout at the junction of Port Road and Main South Road
  • a 2m wide traffic median with wire rope safety barrier between Port Road and Malpas Road
  • repositioning of the northbound overtaking lane on Main South Road near Malpas Road
  • road widening and resurfacing

Check out our eBook to get ahead of the pack and pick up some tips for successful tendering. 

Source: SA Govt

Kerri McGrath
Kerri is a content specialist with Felix (formerly PlantMiner) and the first point of contact for the company. Her hobbies include breakfast, lunch and dinner.

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