Tenders called for Section 1 of Nelson Bay Rd duplication in NSW

Monica Gameng   |   June 27, 2021
Nelson Bay Road - Williamtown to Bobs Farm (cr: Transport for NSW)

Upgrades to the Nelson Bay Road between Williamtown and Bobs Farm in New South Wales is progressing well with the release of the Community Consultation Report as well as the call for tenders to build the first section of the project from Salt Ash to Bobs Farm. 

The entire $275 million road duplication project on Nelson Bay Road aims to improve safety and bust congestion along this corridor. 

“The Williamtown to Bobs Farm duplication is the last major piece of this upgrade and will make a huge difference, which is why we’ve been working to get it right, ensuring the community gets the upgrade they need. 

“The release of the Community Consultation Report for the large section of the Williamtown to Bobs Farm duplication shows strong support for the new off-line alternative they requested we consider last year, so we’ll be considering that closely as we work towards a preferred option,” Minister for Regional Transport and Road Paul Toole said. 

Construction on this $26 million stage of the duplication will commence early next year. The project will cover the section of the road from 900 metres east of Marsh Road at Salt Ash to about 1.9 kilometres east of Marsh Road at Bobs Farm, linking to the already duplicated section of Nelson Bay Road. 

This project is also anticipated to support approximately 100 direct and indirect jobs at peak construction period. 

The duplication of the one-kilometre section of road between Salt Ash and Bobs Farm will include: 

  • 5-metre travel lanes 
  • 5-metre shoulders 
  • Concrete median separation barrier 
  • Two retaining walls 
  • Utility relocations 
  • Fauna exclusion fencing 

“With the announcement earlier this month of a $66 million boost to Newcastle Airport runway from the Australian Government, even more people will be using the local road network in future and it’s vital to ensure improvements are on the way. 

“This call for tenders marks a huge step forward in delivering a project that the community wants,” Parliamentary Secretary for the Hunter Taylor Marton said. 

The successful builder who will deliver the Nelson Bay Road - Williamtown to Bobs Farm - Section 1 is expected to be announced before the end of 2021. 

For interested parties, information on the tender for this project can be found on the NSW Government eTendering website here.

Source: NSW Government – Transport for NSW (1, 2); Infrastructure Magazine 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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