Tenders called for Stage Two of $500m Midland Highway Upgrades

Monica Gameng   |   February 2, 2016

Minister for Major Projects, Territories and Local Government Paul Fletcher has called for tenders to construct Stage Two of the Kempton to Melton Mowbray section of Tasmania's Midland Highway upgrade. 

Tasmanian Minister for Infrastructure Rene Hidding said the call for tenders for Stage Two coincides with the start of works for Kempton to Melton Mowbray Stage One, which will provide improvements to the highway north of Kempton.


Stage 1 map (source: midlandhighway.tas.gov.au)

The tender for stage one was awarded to Shaw Contracting Pty Ltd last January 2016 and works started late in the month. Stage One is set to be completed for late February 2017.

“The Australian government is investing $400 million and the Tasmanian government $100 million over 10 years to improve safety and lives on the Midland Highway, Tasmania’s key north-south freight route.” – Mr. Paul Fletcher


Midland Highway 10 Year Action Plan map (source: midlandhighway.tas.gov.au)


Using the AusRAP methodology (which is the national road safety audit approach initiated by the combined national motoring associations, including the RACT), the objective of this investment is to lift the safety standard of the highway to a minimum 3 Star AusRAP safety rating over its entire length. 

“Works for stage two will include road widening, extended sealed shoulders, additional overtaking lanes, upgrading junctions and installing flexible safety barriers to separate opposing traffic.” – Mr. Rene Hidding

Turning opportunities will also be provided, on average, every 3kms. Stage two will be completed from the southern access to Kempton to north of Mood Food connecting with Stage 1, approximately 6km. 
Works for the second stage is estimated to start in mid-2016, with the completion date projected for mid-2017.


Stage 2 map (source: midlandhighway.tas.gov.au)

Government procurement officers spend hundreds of hours considering tender applications per project. Understandably, they want the best contractor for the job. Find out the evaluation methods of Government officials when reviewing tenders with the free eBook below.

Author's note: Information on this post was sourced out from ProjectLink.com.au and Tasmanian Government

Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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