TAS Huon Link Road project progresses further towards construction

Monica Gameng   |   July 29, 2022

A new link road between the Huon Highway and Flood Road in Tasmania is a step closer to being built following the release of a preliminary design for the project. 

The Huon Link Road project will deliver a new stretch of road that will divert traffic travelling to and from Cygnet away from Main Street in Huonville. 

The link road will run from Main Street, opposite Orchard Avenue, southeast to the top of Floor Road. This is the preferred route option chosen through the community consultation stage, which garnered a 61 per cent vote. The Huon Valley Council also chose the Northern Route as its preferred option for the Huon Link Road. 

The Northern Route was also confirmed with expert engineering and environmental assessments. 

HuonLinkRoadRollPlans_page-0001HuonLinkRoadRollPlans_page-0002Preliminary design (source: Tasmanian Government)

The project team will now continue working on the detailed design for the Huon Link Road project, with the tender for construction anticipated to be released to market soon and construction on the project to begin in late 2022. 

Once completed, the Huon Link Road will help reduce congestion as well as improve safety through Huonville town centre. 

The Australian and Tasmanian Governments have committed $29.2 million towards the construction of the Huon Link Road. 

Source: Premier of Tasmania – News; Tasmanian Government – Transport Services; Infrastructure Magazine 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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