TAS Hobart to Sorell Corridor upgrades one step closer to construction

Monica Gameng   |   March 23, 2020

More works will soon begin on Tasmania’s South East Traffic Solution development with the release of designs for major projects along the Hobart to Sorell Corridor. In addition, the Australian Government has approved a $92.6 million funding for the delivery of the three major projects. 

Sorell is one of the fastest growing areas of Hobart. Delivering these important road projects sooner, as part of the Government’s $100 billion pipeline of infrastructure projects, will provide significant benefits for all road users along the Corridor. 

“The Hobart to Sorell Corridor was one of a number of commitments in Tasmania, which received an acceleration of funding in November 2019 to bring forward critical road projects to support jobs, strengthen the economy and get people home to their families sooner and safer,” Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Michael McCormack said. 

The three projects include upgrading the Tasman Highway between the Hobart Airport and Western Causeway, the Midway Point intersection and a new Sorell Southern Bypass. The designs for these projects have been refined following an extensive stakeholder and community consultation period to ensure the best outcome. 

“The Tasmanian majority Liberal Government is committed to working with the Australian Government to deliver the infrastructure our growing state needs and ensure Tasmania remains the best place in Australia to live, work and raise a family. 

“The South East Traffic Solution, including upgrades to the Hobart to Sorell Corridor, is a multi-project, short and medium-term vision, consisting of a suite of improvements on the Tasman Highway between the Airport and Sorell and on the Arthur Highway south of Iron Creek Bridge,” TAS Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Michael Ferguson said. 

The Tasman Highway upgrade between Hobart Airport and Western Causeway will include widening the highway to two lanes in each direction and installation of traffic lights to manage traffic from side roads instead of using a roundabout. A shared pathway on the northern side of the corridor will also be included, linking it to a shared pathway on the northern side of the Western Causeway.

Airport_Interchange_to_Western_Causeway_DrawingSource: TAS Department of State Growth - Transport

Works on the Midway Point intersection will involve duplicating the highway – two lanes in each direction – and realigning Penna Road. Traffic lights will also be installed to replace the existing roundabout at Penna Road opposite of South Drive. A slip lane will also be provided from the Tasman Highway to the realigned Penna Road, making it easier to access Midway Point. 

Tasman_Highway_-_Midway_Point_Intersection_Solution_DrawingSource: TAS Department of State Growth - Transport

Lastly, the Sorell Southern Bypass will involve building a two-lane – one in each direction – bypass through Sorell between the Tasman Highway near Giblin Drive and the Arthur Highway near Nugent Road. Once this project is completed, traffic from Southern Beaches and Tasman Peninsula can connect to the Arthur Highway without passing through Sorell. 

The bypass project will also include a roundabout at Giblin Drive to help facilitate traffic movement to Sorell and the causeway as well as a roundabout at the Tasman Highway near Nugent Road that will facilitate traffic movement into Sorell. 

Tasman_Highway_-_Sorell_Southern_Bypass_DrawingSource: TAS Department of State Growth - Transport

“These upgrades recognise the need to preserve the lifestyle attractions of Sorell and the southern beaches by improving travel time reliability and safety,” Minister Ferguson said. 

Construction on the Midway Point intersection project and the highway duplication between Hobart Airport and the Western Causeway is anticipated to commence in late 2020. 

The upgrades along the Hobart to Sorell Corridor are jointly funded by the Australian and Tasmanian Governments, with a total funding commitment of $162.5 million. 

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Source: Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development; TAS Department of State Growth – Transport (1, 2, 3, 4); Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications 

Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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