Sydney Metro update: CBD buildings to be demolished & how to have your say

PlantMiner   |   May 19, 2016

Project Update

The latest development in the Sydney Metro project is that two high-rise buildings in the CBD will be knocked down at Martin Place and Castlereagh Street, with the sites to be developed into entrance points to the interchange

The cost of the project has risen from $11b to sit between $11.5b and $12.5b - according to Premier Mike Baird this is a result of additional stations being planned. The final cost of the project will be released with the final business case.

The project will result in around 30 million fewer car trips annually in 2036, will reduce the trip from Chatswood to Central to just 15 minutes and is expected to support more than 6,200 jobs at the peak of construction in 2017-18.

Along the route, a total of 150 properties in 70 buildings must be acquired. Transport Minister Andrew Constance has said that majority of the properties are commercial and not residential. 

Work at Martin Place will start in 2017 and tunnel boring will begin in 2018.

If you are affected by the project and want to have your say, keep reading to find out how. For a fly-through of the project, check out the video below.

Environmental Impact Statement open for submissions! 

The Environmental Impact Statement for the Chatswood to Sydenham component of the Sydney Metro project is open to the public to make submissions until Monday 27 June 2016

Have a look here for a comprehensive list of issues assessed under the Environmental Impact Statement. 

The first EIS information session is being held at the Dougherty Community Centre, 7 Victor Street in Chatswood this Saturday 21 May between 10am and 2pm - head down to have your say on the Chatswood to Sydenham twin railway tunnels! 

The other component of Stage 2 works, Sydenham to Bankstown, will be subject to a separate environmental assessment process. 

For updates on the project subscribe to Felix Project News.

Source: ABC News, Sydney Metro

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