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Summer work blitz gears up West Gate Tunnel Project towards completion

Written by Monica Gameng | Jan 13, 2025 1:29:35 AM

As the West Gate Tunnel Project in Victoria continues to move towards completion by the end of this year, crews are gearing up for a summer work blitz across the West Gate Freeway. 

Taking advantage of Melbourne’s summer weather, crews will asphalt the new freeway and continue building the tunnel exit structure. While works are carried out, lane and ramp closures will be observed between the west Gate Bridge and Millers Road until 8 March. 

Until mid-February, the West gate Freeway will be reduced to three lanes in both directions between Williamstown Road and Millers Road. Ramp closures will also be in place at the West Gate Freeway outbound exit ramps to Millers Road and Grieve Parade during this time – drivers who usually exit the freeway at Millers Road or Grieve Parade need to exit early at Williamstown Road. 

From 15 February to 8 March, the West Gate Freeway inbound entry ramps on Millers Road and Grieve Parade, alongside Williamstown Road exit ramp will also be closed. During this period, drivers travelling to the city are advised to use Williamstown Road to get on the freeway and to use the right lane to access the West Gate Bridge as there will be lane closures. 

“We thank drivers for their patience as we get on delivering vital works to open the West Gate Tunnel later this year. 

“The West Gate Tunnel Project will deliver a vital alternative to the West Gate Bridge, providing a much-needed second river crossing when it opens by the end of 2025,” Minister for Transport Infrastructure Gabrielle Williams said. 

The summer work blitz will deliver permanent road barriers, additional signage and smoother roads as well as new inbound express lanes that run between the M80 Ring Road and the West Gate Bridge. 

These works were planned to take advantage of the quieter period on the road. However, delays of up to 30 minutes are still expected and drivers are advised to plan ahead and allow extra travel times. 

The city-shaping West Gate Tunnel Project will deliver a vital alternative to the West Gate Bridge, providing quicker and safer journeys as well as removing thousands of trucks off residential streets. 

Source: Premier of Victoria – Media Centre; Victoria’s Big Build – West Gate Tunnel Project (1, 2); Roads & Infrastructure Australia; Infrastructure Magazine