Stage 2 Warrnambool Line Upgrade in VIC to begin construction soon

Monica Gameng   |   September 21, 2021
Warrnambool Station (cr: Victoria's Big Build)

VLocity trains will soon be running in Victoria’s south west for the first time as construction on Stage 2 of the Warrnambool Line Upgrade is set to get underway by the end of the year. 

“The Australian Government has delivered the funding needed to bring VLocity trains to Warrnambool, and we’re making sure these upgrades get underway as soon as possible to passengers. 

“It’s another example of our record $110 billion investment and our commitment to ensuring the economy will continue to thrive,” Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Barnaby Joyce said. 

Stage 2 works will include: 

  • Upgrading train detection technology at more than 50 public level crossings to make them compatible with VLocity trains and to improve safety for motorists and train passengers 
  • Installation of boom gates, bells and flashing lights to 17 crossings to boost safety for motorists and passengers, ensuring there are no unprotected public crossing along the line 
  • Upgrades to the stabling facility at Warrnambool Station so it can cater to longer VLocity trains, allowing them to start and end their journey at Warrnambool 

“We know passengers on the Warrnambool Line are looking forward to these upgrades, and we’re doing everything we can to deliver them as soon as possible, despite the challenges of the global pandemic. 

“The critical planning and design work required to develop the project timelines is now complete, so it’s time to get on with the job of delivering the next stage of this project which will continue to provide important supplier and job opportunities to the region,” VIC Minister for Transport Infrastructure Jacinta Allan said. 

Once completed, the upgraded line will support rail freight as well as allow export products – including meat and dairy – to be transported more reliably to the Port of Melbourne. 

“This crucial upgrade will see Victorians who use the Warrnambool Line moving to their destination safely, efficiently and comfortably. 

“It will also provide more Victorians with better access to Warrnambool and our state’s south west, which could deliver an economic boom including for our local tourist industry and for the local economy in our recovery from COVID-19. 

“Vice versa it will also provide access for South West Victorians to attend events and critical services in Melbourne,” Federal Member for Wannon Dan Tehan said. 

RRR-WLU-Warrnambool-Line-Scope-Map-Stage-1-2Project map (source: Victoria's Big Build)

Stage 1 works are still underway, with signalling upgrades between Waurn Ponds and Warncoort on track to completion within the coming months. 

During the first stage, boom gates, bells and flashing lights have been added at 12 level crossings as well as over 24 kilometres worth of signalling cable installed and 8 kilometres of access tracks delivered along the line. 

Commissioning of Stage 1 is due to take place mid to late 2022 due to delays in complex signalling caused by COVID restrictions – which included remote working arrangements and delays in availability of specialist resources. 

The new Boorcan crossing loop along with a fifth weekday return services between Warrnambool and Melbourne will begin operating once signalling and commissioning of works are completed. 

“Delivery of Stage 2 of the Warrnambool Line Upgrade has been integrated with the works already underway on Stage 1, with timeframes for both stages adjusted to maximise the benefits of the project as well as deliver efficiencies and minimise disruption to communities and passengers,” VIC Member for Western Victoria Gayle Tierney said. 

Stage 2 works are projected to be completed by late 2023. 

The Warrnambool Line Upgrade is being delivered as part of a $4 billion investment in Victoria's regional rail network - jointly funded by the Australian and Victorian Governments - which will upgrade every passenger rail in Victoria as well as create 3,000 jobs.

Source: Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development; Premier of Victoria – Media Centre; Victoria’s Big Build (1, 2

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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