Stage 2 of high-purity alumina facility in Gladstone begins construction

1 min read
Monica Gameng   |   September 16, 2024
HPA First Project (cr: Alpha HPA)

The second stage of Alpha HPA’s high-purity alumina facility in Gladstone, Queensland is now under construction, setting up its HPA First Project to become one of the largest single site ultra-high-purity alumina refineries globally. 

This project is supported by a $400 million Australian Government debt facility as well as $180 million in equity with strong support from 5 per cent shareholder Orica. 

“Key earthworks and civil contractors have now commenced site establishment activities ahead of the imminent commencement of project earthworks. 

“Contractors have started mobilising equipment and support infrastructure, and Ergon have commenced power line burial ahead of commencement of earthworks. Alpha HPA’s construction management team is now fully established in Gladstone. 

“With financing in place and line of sight to commercial production in place, Alpha HPA is experiencing a pickup in larger volume sample sales for final testing with global tier one end-users,” Alpha HPA Managing Director Rimas Kairaitis said. 

Construction on Stage 2 of the HPA First Project is expected to take two years to complete, with first production anticipated in the second half of 2026. 

The 10-hectare, state-of-the-art Stage 2 facility builds on the operational Stage 1 facility, leveraging Alpha HPA’s novel, and Australian-owned and developed process intellectual property (IP). 

Once completed, the facility will have the capacity to produce up to 10,000 tonnes of high-purity aluminium produces each year. The HPA First Project site will run on 100 per cent renewable energy. 

This project is estimated to generate 300 jobs during its construction and a further 120 ongoing local jobs once operational. 

Source: Alpha HPA (1, 2); Yahoo! Finance; Australian Mining;; Creamer Media’s Mining Weekly 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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