SRG Global wins work at WA Worsley Alumina bauxite mine

Monica Gameng   |   June 2, 2019

South32 has awarded SRG Global a long-term contract - valued at approximately $60 million - to deliver works at the Worsley Alumina operations located in the South West region of Western Australia.

With this recent contract award, SRG Global will provide engineering access services, including scaffolding and provision of rope access technicians, to the Worsley project.

The contract will have an initial term of three years - with a contract value of $32 million - and has an option to extend another three years for the full $60 million contract value.

SRG Global is anticipated to commence works on site by this month and the company is expected to have a workforce of about 100 people on site.

“The opportunity to work with a world-renowned mining company like South32 at its long-established Worsley Alumina project in South West WA is a great achievement for SRG Global.

“The effort our team put in during the competitive tendering process is admirable and I commend them on a fantastic result,” SRG Global Managing Director David Macgeorge said.

The Worsely Alumina bauxite mine is located near the town of Boddington - approximately 130 kilometres South East of Perth. The Worsley operations is comprised of a large overland conveyor that transports bauxite from the mine to a refinery near Collie.

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Source: Australian Mining; The West Australian; Mining Technology; International Mining; SRG Global

Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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