A six-week Request for Tender (RFT) process has commenced for the rail and bridge component of the $69 million Denny Avenue level crossing removal project in Western Australia. Three proponents have been requested to submit their tenders.
The three tenderers are Downer EDI, Decmil and John Holland.
“The removal of the Denny Avenue crossing is a major METRONET project and the release of this tender is a significant step forward.
“Once complete, this project will not only reduce road congestion, it will also improve the safety of all road users and promote a lively Kelmscott Town Centre,” Transport Minister Rita Saffioti said.
The winning proponent will undertake works including raising over 800 metres of track as well as associated infrastructure about 170 metres south of the Denny Avenue project site, making way for the construction of a new road underpass at Davis Road.
Construction on this project is expected to begin later this year. The Denny Avenue level crossing removal project is the first project to get underway as part of METRONET’s level crossing removal program.
“The removal of the Denny Avenue level crossing will greatly improve the daily lives of drivers, pedestrians and cyclists, improving safety and decreasing road congestion in the area.
“I am pleased to see the tender for the rail component has been released and work is expected to begin later this year,” Armadale MLA Tony Buti said.
The Denny Avenue level crossing removal project is going to be delivered under two design and construction contracts, namely the rail and bridge works and the road and civic infrastructure.
The tender for the road and civic infrastructure contract is anticipated to open in November of this year.
Just last week, a tender was also released for the removal of several level crossings across the Armadale Line - which the Denny Avenue level crossing removal is part of. You can read more about the tender release here.
The Western Australian Government has invested approximately $415 million through the 2019-20 State Budget to remove three level crossing across the Armadale Line.
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Source: Government of Western Australia; METRONET (1, 2)
The Victorian Government is fast-tracking the removal of the Gap Road level crossing along the Sunbury Line years ahead of its initial schedule with the announcement of a preferred design that will help preserve heritage buildings and ease traffic around the Sunbury community.
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